How many Heavy letters are there?
What is the Makhraj for the letter ف?
it is pronounced from the lips using the the tip of the upper incisors with the inside of the bottom lip
The tongue has .......letters
what is the articulation point of the letter ق ?
It comes from the deepest part of the tongue with the deepest part of the roof of the mouth from the soft palate
The Khayshoom is an ............
Nasal- Approximate Articulation point
How many Main Makharij are there?
what are the letters of the Halq?
ء ه ع ح غ خ
What are the 3 Makharij of the throat (Al-Halq)?
The top of the throat ادنى الحلق
The middle of the throat وسط الحلق
The bottom of the throat اقصى الحلق
what are the letters of the shaftaan?
ف - و - م - ب
What letters come from the side of the tongue?
Laam & Daad
حافة اللسان
Why is Makharij important
what is the Makhraj of the letter و ?
Makhraj for the و is the lips
it is pronounced by circling the lips
The nickname for the letters ( ط- ت- ذ) is
Thaa thaal Taaw
The letters of ق-ك are from the ...............
deepest part of the tongue
Name the letters from the tip of the tongue
ن -ر-
ص ز س
ث ظ ذ
ط د ت
What are the 5 Main Makhrij?
Al- Halq
The letters س - ز - ص are nicknamed
Al-Huroof Al-lasawiya or Safeer
The Khayshoom is the Makhraj for the
ghunnah for the letters م and ن
What are the letters of the Middle of the tongue?
(ح -ي- ش)
How do we find out the Articulation Point of a letter?
Place a sukoon or shadda on the letter and put a Hamza with a haraka before it
What is a Makhraj?
It is an exit point for a letter
How many smaller Makharij do the Main Makharij have?
They have 17 Makharij
how is the letter م pronounced?
It is pronounced from the lips by closing them
What is the Makhraj for the letter ص ?
From the tip of the tongue touching the inside of the inner bottom Incisors leaving a gap for the sound to come out
The articulation point of the Madd letters is