Conceptual claims and Practical Claims.
What are the two types of claims?
Check for the significance, the specifics, the explicitness of the logic, and the preciseness of the language.
What are the things to look for when evaluating/enhancing your claim?
Use hedges and acknowledge the claim's limits.
What are two ways you can make sure you won't lose credibility with your claim?
What are two ways you can qualify your claim?
Argue for or against a policy or an action.
What do practical claims do?
Gas powered cars harm the environment.
What is an example of a claim that is too vague / not specific enough?
"Appear," "suggest," "some," "seems to be," "might," and "believe."
What are some examples of hedges?
Shih tzu is a type of dog.
Change an affirmative claim into a negative one or vice versa.
What is a way to test the significance of a claim (how much a claim is worth an argument)?
Apples can only naturally be red, green, or yellow, assuming all types of apples have been discovered.
What is an example of a claim that acknowledges its limits?