Passage 1
It was a hot summer's day and there was no breeze. Linda wanted to open the window, but it was stuck. Instead, she walked out of the house.
Passage 2
Liz was home sick one day and she was bored of lying on her bed. She sat up and looked out of the window. Spring was just beginning and yellow flowers were growing in the field outside.
Passage 3
The children made costumes out of toilet paper. They pretended that they were kings and that the dining table was their castle. They also killed Dad, the dragon, to save the princess.
Make the Connection
Name the Connection
When Linda couldn't open the window, it reminded me of a story my friend told me about trying to open a window and when he turned the crank too hard, it shattered.
What is Text-to-World
When Liz was sick at home and she got really bored it reminded me of the time I broke my leg and had to stay at home to rest for a long time. I got really bored too!
What is Text-to-Self
The game that the kids play with their dad reminds me of the games the kids play in the story "Jillian Jigs."
What is Text to text.

What are the 3 types of connections you can make?

Text-text , Text-self , Text-world


When I was in second grade, I moved to a new school like the character Shirley did. I remember feeling like everyone ignored me and missing my home, so I can relate to what she’s going through.


The setting of the story (a hot summer's day) reminds me of the setting in the movie "The Fast and the Furious."
What is Text-to-Text
The yellow flowers in this story remind me of the fields of yellow tulips that grow in Holland.
What is Text-to-World

That reminds me of the time I saw a movie about a king and an evil witch.

What is Text to text


What is a Text-To-World connection?

Text-to-world connections are when we connect the text to something that is happening in the world right now or an event that has happened in the past.


Percy Jackson reminds me a lot of Harry Potter. He was an outcast that didn't really belong in the beginning of the story who found out that he was different and special in some way.


That reminds me of the time we brought home a turtle!
What is No Connection
This story reminds me of a book I read about a girl who was sick with Leukemia and had to stay in the hospital for a long time. She spent her time making origami swans.
What is Text to text.
This story reminds me of Hallowe'en costumes my brother and I had one year. We were mummies wrapped in toilet paper.
What is Text to self.

What is a Text-To-Text connection?

When you connect the characters or situations from the book you are reading to another book or other form of media


When Sam was reading A Wrinkle in Time she remembered that the characters in The Lightning Thief also go on an adventure to defeat or accuse a presence of evil.What kind of connection is this?


That reminds me of summer days spent playing in the beach in the hot sun.
What is Text-to-Self
I like yellow flowers.
What is Not a connection
That reminds me of how my brother and I used to make castles out of big cardboard boxes. We played for hours!
What is Text to self.

What is a Text-To-Self connection?

Text-to-self connections are highly personal connections that a reader makes between a piece of reading material and the reader’s own experiences or life.


Kayla read the Breadwinner and remembered learning about Afghanistan in Social Studies. The main character goes through problems that many children in Afghanistan go through everyday.What kind of connection did Kayla make?



What is the different between a "surface" connection and a "deep" connection?

A deep connection helps you understand a character or a scene better while a surface connection is something that you or another might just have in common with the story.


Carlos read Stargirl and is in a situation like Stargirl.People want him to change because he is different compared to everyone else, but he likes himself the way he is. What kind of connection is Carlos making.

