Where are you?
If... then
What am I?
What's happening?
As you pick up your suitcase, the attendant smiles at you and wishes you a good flight. Where are you? How do you know?
An airport. Clue words: suitcase, attendant, flight.
If you do not study for a test, then...
What is "you will not do well on it"?
I am big and green. I stand in the water but do not swim. I cannot move. Tourists come to see me. What am I?
What is The Statue of Liberty?
As you're driving your car, you hear sirens wailing. Glancing in your mirror, you see lights flashing. You pull over to the side of the road. What's happening?
What is "you are being pulled over by a police officer"?
What is the difference between an inference and a prediction?
An INFERENCE is what you decide about an observation. INFERENCES attempt to explain or interpret observations based on the evidence and/or our experience. A PREDICTION is an educated guess about a future event. A PREDICTION may or may not happen, but it should be logical. -maryvaleufsd.org
As the waiter walks away, you eat another delicious breadstick, and play games on the tablet. Where are you, and how do you know?
What is Olive Garden?
If you drink a lot of caffeine before you go to bed, then...
What is "you will not be able to sleep"?
I have hands but I cannot clap. What am I?
What is a clock?
The ball flies through the air, until a woman hits it with a racket. It flies back over the net until another woman lunges for it, but misses. What's happening?
What is a tennis game?
Which of these is an inference? A) You look outside and see dark gray clouds. As you leave, you grab an umbrella. B) You look outside and see it is bright and sunny. C) You look at a weather report, and grab an umbrella as you leave.
As you and your friends go steadily higher, you watch the snow covered hills and skiers get smaller and smaller. Shivering in the frigid air, you wish for some of the hot cocoa they had back at the lodge. Where are you? How do you know?
What is a ski lift? Clue words: snow, hills, skiers, frigid, hot cocoa, lodge
If you stay up late and have to wake up early the next day, one can infer...
What is "you will be tired the next day"?
I have one letter and start with E. What am I?
An envelope
The woman in the front graphs an equation, calculator in hand. The kids, looking bored, followed suit. What's happening?
What is a math lesson?
A. The grass on the playground is wet. B. It rained. The sprinkler was on. There is morning dew on the grass Which is an inference and which is an observation?
A is an observation, B is an inference
The black sheet around your neck looked like an oversized bib as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You watch chunks of your hair fall to the ground, as you listen to hair dryers, the snip of scissors, and the low chatter of barbers and customers. Where are you? How do you know?
What is the salon/barber's? Clue words: mirror, hair, hair dryers, scissors, barbers
DAILY DOUBLE!!!! If you see a dog barking, you can infer that.... (Multiple answers)
It sees a cat and wants to chase it. It sees a stranger and is warning them to stay away. It is excited to see me. It is asking for food or to go outside to play.
Simultaneously I go up, I go down. I go up towards the beautiful sky and down toward the green ground. I am present tense. I am past tense too Children love me. What am I?
A see saw
The children scamper around the field, carefree and full of joy. Blankets lay on the cool grass, and the sun beat down on the families below. What's happening?
What is a picnic?
A. The line at the water fountain is long. B. It's hot outside. The students just came in from recess. Which is an inference, and which is an observation?
A is an observation, B is an inference.
The shelves of books tower over you. All is silent except for the rustle of pages and the scratching of pens on paper. Where are you? How do you know?
What is the library? Clue words: books, shelves, pages
If you keep eating junk food, then I can infer that...
What is "you will get fat/ lead an unhealthy lifestyle"?
I have a bank but no money, A bed but I do not sleep A mouth but I do not eat What am I?
A river
You fly through the air, held by nothing more than a harness. Below you the lake looks pristine, and the wind against your face is refreshing. What's happening?
What is a zipline?
What's the difference between an observation and an inference?
Observations occur when we can see something happening. In contrast, inferences are what we figure out based on an experience.