Inferencing 1
Inferencing 2
Inferencing 3
Inferencing 4

This animal lives in a cave. It sleeps by hanging upside down. It cannot see in the daytime.

What kind of animal is it?

It is a bat.


Tammy packed her clothes, toothbrush and sleeping bag. Her friend John was bringing the tent and Tammy was bringing tin foods. 

Where is Tammy going?

She was going camping.


Jane loves her new pet. She likes to pet his soft fur. She likes to scratch behind his pointy ears. Jane's pet purrs on her lap. 

What kind of pet does Jane have?

A cat


Jenny’s family dims the lights and starts singing. Jenny takes a deep breath and blows out the candles. 

What song was Jenny’s family singing?

Happy birthday


Thanks for cleaning off the whiteboard, Alex,” said Mrs. Brown. “You are welcome, Miss” Alex said as he grabbed his school bag and headed out the door. “See you tomorrow morning.” 

Where are Alex and Mrs. Brown?

At school/in a classroom


“Okay, one....two....three!” Dad said. No one moved. Dad looked at the small screen in front of him. “That one was pretty good, but Jane's eyes are closed. Let's try it again. Everyone ready?” 

What is Dad doing? 

Taking a picture


"Cannonball!" someone shouted. Suddenly, Mary, her towel, and the book she was reading were all soaking wet.  She picked up her soggy belongings and stomped off towards the exit. 

Where is Mary?

At a pool/ poolside


Ben looked down at his right foot. The doctor told him he could not play football for another 3 months. He read all the messages on his foot and thought of his teammates. He grabbed his crutches and hobbled into the kitchen. 

What happened to Ben?

He broke his leg


When Evan woke up, the room was bright with sunlight. He looked at the clock and jumped out of bed. He threw on his clothes, grabbed his backpack, and ran out the door without eating breakfast. 

Why was Evan in such a hurry?

He overslept/was late for school


Mom lit three candles. "There, that's better," she said. Karen turned off her flashlight. The house was quiet except for the sound of the rain and the wind blowing through the trees outside. 

Why did mom light candles?

The power went out because of the storm


Mr. Jones stood on his front porch watching the boys run away down the street. He walked slowly to the sidewalk and picked up the bat that was laying there. Then he looked at the broken window on his house and sighed.

Why were the boys running away?

They hit a baseball through Mr. Jones' window


“I really need another pair” thought Peter. He had worn them for a year now and they were really tight on his feet. “Maybe I will ask for new ones on my birthday” he thought. 

What is Peter going to ask for?

New shoes


Shan packed her toothbrush, pyjamas and her favourite movies. Gigi had been her best friend since primary school, and she could not wait to stay up all night sharing scary stories and watching movies. 

Where is Shan going?

To a sleepover with Gigi


Gary had finished all his homework. He turned on the system and waited for the screen to light up. He grabbed the blue controller and clicked on his favourite game. 

What is Gary doing?

Playing video games


“Ouch!” shouted Fred as he looked down at his arm. His elbow was in pain and it started to turn red. He saw the yellow and black insect fly out the window before he could catch it. 

What happened to Fred?

He got stung by a bee


Patrick put on his yellow suit. He grabbed the suntan lotion and rubbed it onto his skin. He grabbed his sunglasses and put on his flip flops before leaving the house. He ran back inside because he forgot his towel. 

Where is Patrick going?

The beach or a pool


Yesterday, a huge storm ripped through Kingston. News channels reported on the destruction that this storm had caused. Many homes were destroyed. We were worried because my aunt lives in Kingston. When we called to see if she was okay, she said, "I'm one of the lucky ones." 

What did she mean?

She is safe, her house did not get destroyed


Eve looked in her bag but could not find them anywhere. She thought she remembered grabbing them this morning before leaving the house. She knew her mother would not be home for another hour. She would have to sit on the steps and wait. 

What did Eve forget?

Her keys


Dean’s legs hurt but he was so close to the finish line. He could hear his family and friends cheering from the stands. He passed Madison and Paul to take first place. He crossed the finish line and sat down to catch his breath. 

What was Dean doing?

Running a race


Shayna was late for class. She was running down the hallway. She did not see the puddle of water or the sign that was next to it. Shayna slipped and fell. 

What do you think the sign might have said?

Caution, wet floor; 

Be careful, wet floor
