Riddle Me This
Can you infer?
Just for Fun

Hudson and Matthew were playing soccer out at break. At one point, Matthew said "Ouch!" & stopped playing for a little bit, before joining back in. What happened?

Double points: What figurative language is used in this prompt?

Matthew got hurt somehow and needed to take a break. He wasn't hurt badly, because he kept playing after.

Double points: Onomatopoeia 


I am very sticky, but hard to see when dry. I go round and round across the page until I eventually run out. If you stick with me, in one piece you will be. What am I?



If Sarah told me it's supposed to thunderstorm tomorrow, then...

I should bring an umbrella. I should wear my raincoat. I should wear my rainboots.


What is the definition of an inference?

Using context clues to determine the meaning of something that is not directly stated in the text.


When is Mrs. Omer's birthday?

Thursday, October 5


Elise, Athena, & Anna R. were making ATC's all afternoon. When they were finished, there were some left on the ground without names. One of them had cats all over it. Whose ATC's were they most likely?

They are most likely Anna's ATC's. We can infer this because we know she likes cats a lot and is usually drawing or printing out pictures of cats.


I am not a magician, but I make things disappear. I come in all shapes and sizes, but am most often found in pink. What am I?



If Lily and Lydia didn't eat breakfast this morning, then...

They are probably hungry. They might be crabby. They might be more tired.


What is the difference between an inference and a prediction?

Predictions are just guesses about what will happen next, inferences are referring to something that has already happened/is currently happening.


What is Mrs. Omer's favorite snack?

Chester's Hot Fries


When Mrs. Molitor & Ms. Winderl walked into the classroom one morning, somebody's Lexicon, math book, and readers/writers notebook were spread out all around the room. They remembered that the last few students to leave the day before were Eva, Elizabeth, and Liam. Whose stuff was left out?

Liam's. We can infer this by using the clues that Liam usually forgets to put his stuff away, while Eva and Elizabeth's things are usually put away.


Sometimes I make noise, but other times I am silent. I'm used by most people throughout the day, helping you in many ways. I shouldn't go in water, and I can break if you drop me. I'm usually kept in your backpack while you're at school.

A cellphone


If Greta, Anna, Chloe, and Ella all really like to play Capture the Flag but we're playing Gaga ball instead, then...

They are probably disappointed. They might not want to play. They might complain.


"Paige!" mom called out as she opened the front door. "Please help me with my groceries. Paige!" mom called out. Still there was no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen and saw the shattered pieces from the window all over the floor and a soccer ball not far from there. Why do you think Paige was not answering her mom? What do you think happened?

Paige was kicking around a soccer ball in the backyard and accidentally shattered a window. She is scared to face her mom because she doesn't want to be in trouble.


How many kids does Mrs. Omer have?

Double points if you know their names!


Denise and Payten


Brady and Soren T. were watching a Vikings vs. Bears game with Oliver. The game was tied 14-14 with 10 seconds left in the fourth quarter. All of a sudden, Oliver got up and stormed out. What most likely happened?

The Bears scored in the final 10 seconds to beat the Vikings. This made Oliver angry/sad/upset, as the Vikings are his favorite team!


I am big and green but not mean. I carry a torch for freedom. I can stand in water, but I cannot swim. People travel from miles around to visit me. What am I?

Statue of Liberty


If Jack and Patrick prepared for the news show really well, then...

They might feel happy with what they've accomplished. The news show might be really funny and good.


Addie was so proud of her garden. She planted the seeds early in the spring and watered the plants every morning. Then, Addie went to California for a week. When Addie came back home, her plants were bent and drooping. Why were the plants drooping? How do you know?

Nobody watered the plants while Addie was gone. There wasn't any sunlight on the plants. We know this because it says she had been taking care of them before and they were fine, but when she wasn't taking care of them they were drooping.


What Disney movie features a red-headed princess who can shoot a bow and arrow better than most archers?

Double points if you know the princess's name!




During clean-up at the end of the day, The Land of Stories and The Unwanteds were left on one of the tables. They were next to a 40-book challenge chart that had mostly fantasy books filled in, but the student had not written his name on his paper. Whose books can we infer these were?

Harrison. We can infer this because we know he likes the fantasy genre and likes to share about what he's reading.


I start off as green, but turn to yellow and sometimes brown. Some people love me, but others do not. I don't survive in cold places. What am I?

A banana


If Hunter eats a lot of candy & drinks a lot of pop right before bed then...

He will have a stomach ache. He will not sleep well. He will have a lot of energy.


Nolan was playing Fortnite with Soren, Alex, and Will. Nolan was almost to a victory royale when his Xbox randomly died. What inferences can you make?

Nolan is frustrated that he couldn't win. Nolan is confused about why his Xbox died.


Which Disney movie features a large bear who sings the song, "The Simple Bear Necessities?"

Jungle Book
