Riddle Me This
If... Then...
Can You Infer...
Using My Schema
Alex was in a hurry to get home to watch football. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly, he heard a siren and saw flashing lights, "No! Please not now," he thought. What do you think is happening? How do you know?
What is speeding ticket. A police officer is pulling him over and he will get a speeding ticket. He will probably miss part of the football game that he wanted to watch.
I am very sticky, but hard to see when dry. I go round and round across the page until I eventually run out. If you stick with me, in one piece you will be. What am I?
What is glue stick.
If I have a new classmate who came in the middle of the school year, I could infer that...
What is The new classmate feels nervous. The new classmate will make some new friends.
What two things are needed to draw a conclusion?
What is prior knowledge and facts.
"Kenneth!" Mom called out as she opened the front door. "Please help me with my groceries. Kenneth!" mom called out. Still there was no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen and saw the shattered pieces from the window all over the floor and a baseball not far from there. Why do you think Kenneth was not answering to his mom? Why do you think so?
What is Kenneth accidentally broke a window while he was outside playing baseball. He's not answering because he doesn't want to get into trouble.
There is a big storm today and it's going to last until tomorrow. Jimmy is supposed to pick up his friend Lily from the airport. Jimmy's phone was ringing and saw Lily's name. He picked up the phone and said, "Okay. Just inform me when you're arriving. Take care and be safe." What do you think Lily told Jimmy? How do you know?
What is Lily's flight got delayed and she won't be arriving until later, after the storm passes.
I am not a magician, but I make things disappear. I come in all shapes and sizes, but am most often found in pink. I can be a writer's best friend. What am I?
What is eraser.
If I keep eating junk food, I could infer that ...
What is I will not be very healthy. I will get sick. I will get cavities on my teeth. I will become overweight.

Ms. Lee and Mrs. Hultgren went to their favorite Sushi restaurant. After they ate, the waitress brought the bill. Ms. Lee looked in her wallet and looked surprised and embarrassed. 

What is she had no money to pay for the bill. Mrs. Hultgren had to pay for her dinner.

Dad and Anna were finishing up a project in the garage together. "Can we paint the roof red?" asked Anna. "Sure," said Dad. "Then when the paint dries we can find a place to hang it in the backyard." What do you think Dad and Anna are making? Why do you think so?
What is Dad and Anna are making a birdhouse.
Tia is starting to feel tired but she told herself she could do it. She only needs to over take one more person to win. "I can do this!" , she said and pedaled faster. What is Tia doing? Why do you think so?
What is Tia is in a biking or cycling race. Key words are "win" and "pedaled faster".
I come in pairs and am known to stink to high heavens at times. . I will help you chase your dreams or run for your life. What am I?
What is pair of shoes.
If I saw on television that there is a storm coming, I could infer that ...
What is I might need to bring an umbrella tomorrow. I should wear my rainboots tomorrow. It will be cold, windy, and rainy.
Richard must have looked at the clock twenty times before he finally heard the last bell ring. As soon as he heard it, Richard grabbed his coat and books. As usual, he was the first one out of the front door.
What is Richard is at school.
Josh woke up early on Saturday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad told him the day was perfect and and to get ready for a fun day. Josh grabbed a towel and they left the house.
What is To the local pool
Beep! Beep! It was raining hard and some of the drivers were losing their patience. "I wonder why there is so much traffic", Valerie thought. As she drove, she saw an ambulance and police cars. What is causing the traffic? How do you know?
What is There was a car accident and it is blocking some of the lanes in the road.
I am big and gray. I have a trunk but don't travel much. I knock down trees and I cannot reach the branches. What am I?
What is elephant.
If I went to sleep late at night, I could infer that...
What is I will be very tired and sleepy the next day. I will accidentally oversleep and be late to school.
When you make an "educated guess" about an author's opinion of his/her topic, you are making a(n)
What is inference.
Observations are any information collected by the five senses. Name three of the six ways we make inferences about a character.
What is Appearance Thoughts Actions Other characters' reactions Body Language Language
Damien enjoys school but he thinks math is too difficult. He had a final test on Wednesday. Glen and his family went out to dinner on Friday. His family members kept telling him they are so proud of him. Why do you think they went out to dinner? How do you know?
What is Damien got a good grade on his math final test. His family members took him out to celebrate his good grades and congratulate him on studying hard.
I am big and green but not mean. I carry a torch. I can stand in water, but I cannot swim. People travel from miles around to visit me. What am I?
What is Statue of Liberty.
If I see a dog barking, I could infer that...
What is It sees a cat and wants to chase it. It sees a stranger and is warning them to stay away. It is excited to see me. It is asking for food or to go outside to play.
Jake's mother tells him to take an umbrella with him when he is leaving for school. However, Jake doesn't think it is necessary.
What is it is going to rain.
We can infer that geometric forms refer to the _______ of an object.
What is shape.