Name it

I begin the day with my small tools to clean my patient’s teeth. I placed the paper bib on her and shined a light down so I could see. I found one cavity! After all the teeth were cleaned, I gave her a toothbrush.

What is a dentist?


I sat in my seat excitedly watching the man swing from pole to pole. Far under him 2 elephants carried ladies with feathers in their hair. I ate my popcorn as I watched 8 clowns pile out of a tiny car.

What is the circus?


Shaina was riding home in the car with her mom after a day of work. She could barely keep her eyes open. Her mom was talking to her about her day and asking her questions, but she hardly heard anything she said. Before she knew it, she opened her eyes and they were pulling up to her house.

What is sleepy/tired?


This is a bearlike animal that has thick white fur with black markings on its ears, limbs, shoulders, and around its eyes. It feeds on bamboo forests at high altitudes in western China. It also eats bulbs, roots, eggs, and some small mammals. The cubs are born in late winter. It is an endangered species and is protected by the Chinese government.

What is a Panda


A beautiful place that people go to get away from city life, special occasions relax. Sometimes it is far away. It is usually near a beautiful beach. It has entertainment, restaurants, and lots of other fun things to do. you can take the whole family and you will need plenty of money to spend

What is a resort / hotel


When I get to work I pass out papers and set up a game for the kids to play. When everyone arrives, we read a story and discuss it. The bell rings and it is time for lunch. I correct some papers and prepare the next lesson.

What is a teacher?


Last Saturday night, we roasted marshmallows at the bright fire and chased fireflies. We caught 10 fireflies and watched them glow in a jar. Afterwards, we set them free and went to sleep under the stars.

What is summer camp?


 Grandmother could not believe her ears! When Chrissy told her how great Amy's day had been, she wanted to cry. She could only hope tomorrow would be just as great.

What is surprised/excited/ happy?


It's New! It's Refreshing! This is the best drink in the world! If you drink this you might burp afterwards. Found in vending machines everywhere in bottle or can form. Try one today!

What is a soda


A place where the students have to wear a uniform. It serves different ages and usually have a church connection. It is not public but private and parents sometimes have to pay for students to attend.

What is a catholic school


Today has been very busy. I replaced a knee and set a broken arm into a cast. Now, I am examining a patient with a sore leg. He may need some medicine. Later, I take off my white coat and stethoscope and relax.

What is a doctor?


I waited patiently for my dinner to be brought to the table. All of our food was carried over on a big, round tray. Lots of other families were eating dinner, also. When we were through, Dad left the waitress a big tip.

What is a restaurant?


Tommy could not stop laughing. He knew it would probably get him in trouble, but it seemed like every time someone said something it was hilarious! He tried holding it in, but then someone sneezed really loud he lost it!

What is silly?


Lisa walked along the beach enjoying how the sand felt between her toes. She gathered many different sizes. She even put one to her ear and listened to the ocean. As she bent down to pick up a few more, she noticed a crab. She cautiously walked away from the crab with her collections of what?

What are seashells


A place where two people go who are in love and want to become husband and wife. It has a steeple and a bell on top of the building.

What is a church


I put on my white shirt and begin chopping carrots. Behind me is a pot of boiling broth. I choose some nice herbs and chop them to place into the soup. When it is done, I pour a bowl of hot soup and hand it to the waiter.

What is a chef?


Friday was our last day of school. My class spent the day at the playground and had a picnic. When the final bell rang, I ran out of the building and headed home. See everyone next year!

What is summer recess?


Elizabeth was so excited about playing Fern in Charlotte's Web! However, when she woke up, she felt weak and her nose was runny. Her forehead felt warm and she was really tired. "Uh Oh!" she thought.

What is sick?


The platypus is a different looking animal that lives in the coastal regions of Eastern Australia. It is a furry mammal, Its nose resembles a duck’s bill which helps it as it gathers food such as shrimp. Where does the platypus mostly live

What is water/ ocean/ rivers


I am called the Big Apple. People love to visit me  because of the tall buildings and stores for shopping. it is very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer. People walk downtown really fast and the fashion is very chic.

What is New York City


Before the show I practice my lines. I like to look into the mirror and pretend. I fix my hair and makeup and get into my costume. Before the curtain rises, I am nervous but eager to begin performing.

What is an actor /actress


We ran from hay bale to hay bale trying not to step on any cow pies. Uncle Joe picked us up with his tractor and gave us some fresh milk to drink. We helped with the garden and fed the chickens.

What is a farm?


Mary Ellen rolled her eyes as Lorraine let out that funny sneeze she always does. Then, when Mary Ellen started dancing, she felt like she was going to be sick. To make things even worse, she was sitting next to Becky making those funny noises. "Ugh, she thought to herself, "I have to get away from them!" Lorraine however, thought it was hilarious! (How was Mary Ellen feeling?)

What is annoyed/irritated / mad/upset?


This should not be used in public places such as businesses and airplanes. They can be annoying and can disrupt other people’s conversations. 

What is a cell phone


In Charlotte N.C it a business that is well known for its tall buildings. People dress up to go to work. Money is handled and a stadium is named in its honor 

What is Bank of America
