Stories of Courage
The Color of Water
The chapter "She Was First" is about one woman, but it could be about another. Who?

"She Was First" could be the title of the chapter about Sonia Sotomayor because she's the first Latina justice on the Supreme Court.


What illness did James McBride's mother suffer from? Explain it.

Polio, a disease that's easily prevented by vaccines now. She had some post-polio paralysis in her hand and maybe her arm.


Which x-words can hid? How can you recognize them? 

Example: The mayor wants to cut money from the city Parks department.

do, does and did

To find them, look for simple past (did) and on the end of the main verb (does). You can also change a sentence to negative or to a question. 

The mayor wants to cut money from the city Parks department. 

The mayor doesn't want to cut money from the city Parks department.

Does the mayor want to cut money from the city Parks department?


Explain the meaning of the word "newlywed" and a tip to figure it out.

Newlyweds means "recently married". Look at "new" and "wed" and think about "wedding" to figure it out.

If you saw the moon glowing a kind of yellow-orange last night, you might have felt ___________.


If you saw the moon glowing a kind of yellow-orange last night, you might have felt _awe.

What is a tour of duty?

Tour of duty refers to military service for a specific time (in a certain place or doing a specific activity)


How many siblings and step siblings does James McBride have?

11 total siblings

7 siblings with the same mother and father

4 step-siblings with the same mother but a different father


What are FANBOYS for? Which ones are most common?

FANBOYS connect SVO, + SVO. The most common FANBOYS are and, but, so and or.


Ziauddin ______________ as he stared at the family tree and saw only men's names.

a) frowned

b) smiled

c) cried


Ziauddin frowned as he stared at the tree.


Describe PERMAH.

PERMAH is an acronmyn for the parts of wellbeing:

positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning and health/vitality.

Explain the meaning of any 3 of these chapter titles:

Serving a Greater Cause

Witness to Poverty

She Was First

Wings Like Eagles

Serving a Greater Cause is about how John McCain served his country.

Witness to Poverty is about how Tianna Gaines-Turner grew up in poverty, like her mother and grandmother, and then took action to change her situation.

She Was First is about how Tammy Duckworth became the first female with a disability elected to Congress and the first Congresswoman to give birth during her term in Congress.

Wings Like Eagles is about how Glenn Cunningham kept his brother's words in mind as he pushed himself to run again, faster and faster.


How long did it take James McBride to get his mother to share her full story? Why?

It took 14 years because she didn't want to talk about the past. Her story involved race and identity, subjects she never talked about at home.

How many types of shifters do we already know?

5: time, place, reason, contrast and condition


What's the difference between giggling and weeping?

Giggling means laughing and weeping means crying.


Explain how Sonia Sotomayor's mother helped her love of learning, and tell us how Sonia used that strength to succeed.

Sonia's mother helped her get access to books. By reading for pleasure a lot, Sonia became a good reader. This helped her do well in college and law school, where reading and understanding is essential.


What was one of the important lessons Sonia Sotomayor learned throughout her life?

She learned to take care of herself but also to ask for help when she needed it.


Give at least 3 examples of the mother's culture that show her background.

She drinks tea from glasses or glass cups.

She explained the Jewish mourning practice, kaddish, when she spoke of her father's death.

She complained about "too many rules" in her family's Jewish religion, including rules or Kosher (not mixing meat and dairy), the sabbath (no work, no electricity, etc.).


What is the purpose of the 7 sentence patterns? What are they?

They help us with punctuation, especially periods. They also help us understand what we read because they show us how to find the main subject and verb, as well as extra information that sometimes explains words and more. 

SVO. SVO,+ SVO. SV + VO. Shifter, SVO. SVO shifter. Linker, SVO. SVO with extra info.


One day, James got off the bus and panicked because his mother was not there. His mother's insistence on ______________ made it impossible for others to help him.


His mother's insistence on _privacy made it impossible for others to help him.


Explain these techniques and how we can use them:

Have to or get to 

Best - worst - most realistic

These techniques can help us deal with negative emotions. Both help us change our attitude.

Have to or get to changes our perspective from an obligation to an opportunity. 

Best, worst or most realistic helps us see 3 different possibilities and worry less.


Why didn't Jackie Robinson give up, despite facing discrimination?

He loved baseball and was an excellent athlete. He understood his success could help other Black athletes be accepted into the Major Leagues and other professional sports. His team manager (owner?), Branch Rickey, supported him and kept reminding him of the goals: self control and profits.


Explain how The Color of Water is organized, how we know, and what the parts we've read are about.

It goes back and forth between the writer's voice and his mother's voice. We can hear that difference in the audio book and see it by italics for Ruth's voice and regular font for James' voice. 

We read the preface, about his effort to get his mom's story. The introduction was about his mother's family. "The Bike" was about his stepfather's death and how his family reacted. "The ..."


What is the hidden x-word in this sentence?

I was sick yesterday.

This is a trick sentence! There's no hidden x-word here. The x-word "was" is acting as the main verb.


Struggling with abuse and addiction, Dawn began going wild. ________________ on the streets was preferable to staying home.

a) Going out

b) Hanging out

c) Went out

b) Hanging out

Struggling with abuse and addiction, Dawn began going wild. _Hanging out_ on the streets was preferable to staying home.


Explain the difference between positive and negative emotions in terms of how they affect our well-being.

If we look for positive emotions, we can increase our well-being. For example, when we feel love, we might also feel joy or gratitude. One positive emotion can lead to another in an upward spiral. 

Negative emotions can take us in the other direction, downward. We might start feeling frustrated and then feel angry if we don't change whatever is bothering us. If we stay focused on the negative emotions, our well-being suffers.
