What is monetization?
What is converting assets to money?
How many types of ads are there?
What is 3?
What types of items can you sell as merchandise?
What is anything you want?
What are the positives of paying the fee?
What are exclusive Emojis, chats, and posts?
What is the name for YouTube Premium?
What is YouTube Red?
How does a channel become monetized?
What meets the requirements imposed by YouTube and doesn't violate the said guidelines?
How long is a Bumper ad?
What is 6 seconds?
True or False: You can create your own logo or image for your merchandise
What is True?
What are some ways for a channel to make money?
What is a percentage of fee, ads, merchandise?
What is the purpose of Super chats?
What highlights specific messages during the live stream?
Can an account and/or person get unmonetized?
What is yes but it depends on appropraties?
Where do Video Discovery Ads appear?
What is the Homepage?
Where can you find your merchandise
What is in the video description or in the video?
As a creator what are some advantages?
What is a payment give your fans a closer experience ?
How do Brands and Creators mutually benefit from working together? Name 3.
What reaches the target audience, expands target market and introduces new products?
How much money can they make after being monetized?
What depends on how many ads they receive and how many videos are uploaded?
Which type of ad can you skip?
What are Trueview ads?
Is your merchandise connected to YouTube as a company?
What is No?
How does one obtain a membership?
What is meeting YouTube requirements?
How many YouTube videos are watched on a daily basis?
What are 5 Billion Videos?
Does what you post affect money potential?
What is yes, something more popular will gain more views?
Which ad has the longest run time?
What are Video Discovery ads?
Who controls how much the merchandise cost?
What is the seller(not YouTube)?
How could a fan support beyond membership?
What is paying through programs like patreon?
What are the six ways to make money on YouTube mentioned in the presentation?
What are ads, Channel Memberships, Merchandise, Brand Deals, Super Chats, and YouTube Premium?