Who was the father of the gods
What is Jupiter
What is 1+1
What is 2
How many bones do we have
What are 206 bones
What is the tallest Lego set
What is the Eiffel tower
What is pokemon #25
What is pikachu
Who is married to Venus
What is Mars
What is 18/3
What is 6
How many muscles do we have
What is about 650 muscles
What is the longest Lego set
What is the titanic
How many pikmin games are there
What is 6
What is Mars God of
What is War
What is 78x6
What is 468
How much bones do your arms have
What is 30 bones
How many series collectable minifigures are there
What is 27
How many gems are is prodigy
What is 5
Who is the son of Venus and Mars
Who is Cupid
What is 120x69
What is 8280
How much bones do you have in your leg
What is 60 bones
When did the first Lego collectable minifigures come out
What is 2000
How many abilities can you get in Zelda breath of the wild
What is 4
Who are the sons of Zeus {Greek name}
Who are Apollo,Hermes,Ares and Dionysus
What is 300x450
What is 135000
Do you know how many bones you have in your ear
What are 3 tiny bones
How many rooms are in the titanic lego set
What is 840 staterooms
How many games are on the switch
What is 4920