We testify
בן חלוצה
The son of a Cohen and a women to whom the Chalutza ceremony was done
Who is generally understood to be the Tanna Kama
Rebbe Meir
What would I think would be the punishment for עדים זוממים who testify that X is a בן גרושה או בן חלצה?
They should get what they attempted to give to X. Therefore, if they were כהנים they should lose their status and be treated as a בן גרושה או בן חלוצה
Why does our משנה speak about the עדים זוממים receiving 40 lashes (לוקה ארבעים) when in truth the maximum they can receive is 39?
The ריטב"א explains that the תורה uses the term ארביעם יכנו which is interpreted in the תורה שבעל פה to mean 39 lashes. Therefor whenever the punishment is referred to in תורה שבעל פה it uses the term 40 because that is how it appears in the תורה.
John Doe
Who was one of the editors of the Gemara
Ravina and Rav Ashi
What in fact is the penalty given to the עדים זוממים in the cases of our משנה? Why?
They get lashes.רש"י says that the reason for this will be explained in the גמרא
If an Eid Zomem gets someone killed and is then found to be conspiring, he does not get the punishment he gave. According to the Kesef Mishna or Bartenura, why not?
1. His sin was too great to receive atonement by Bet Din, rather, he should get a terrible punishment from God.
2. God is in control, and therefore if the person was put to death through the Bet Din, they must have deserved it.
3. Bartenura- If they would kill the EZ, if would start a cycle of violence
IS needed
מדקתני לקמן
From the fact that it is written later on
What was Reish Lakish's profession before becoming a Torah scholar
According to the Gemara, what question should the Mishna have asked?
In what cases do witnesses not fall under the category of Eidim Zomemin
Why is the Gemara in Bava Metzia about muzzling an ox problematic for our Gemara?
IT seems to apply that according to Rebbe Yochanan, speaking IS an action
And there isn't
תנא התם קאי
The Tanna is standing over there- teaching from another Masechet
Who was the teacher- Reish Lakish or Rebbe Yochanan
Rebbe Yochanan
Name two things we learn from the pasuk ועשיתם לו כאשר זמם לעשות לאחיו (דברים יט:יט)
We punish the witnesses and not their offspring
We punish them only if they tried to get a punishment but were not successful
When people testify about others that they were conspiring witnesses, why do we believe them more than the original witnesses?
1. It is a Gezerat HaKatuv
And let him be invalid
והיא נותנת
And it gives- Logically the opposite is true
Bar Pada
Rebbe Yochanan states that from a Kal VChoemer we can learn that Eidim Zomemin in a case of Galut should not get it themselves. Explain the Gemara's question on the logic of Rebbe Yochanan
The opposite should be true: A murderer does not go into exile because it is not enough of an atonement for him, but maybe it should be enough for Eidim Zomemin, but we know that is not true
According to the Maharal, why does one get 39 lashes when the Torah says 40
One cannot negatively impact their soul completely, only 39 levels