Afterpains are a common side effect in postpartum women, define what afterpains are as if you were talking to a client.
Afterpains are when your uterus contract after giving birth to your child.
Define Autolysis
The decrease in hormones causes excess hypertrophied tissue to be destroyed because they are no longer needed.
Define Homan's sign
Often used to diagnose deep venous thrombosis of the leg.
What is the cause of breast engorgement?
The result of increased blood flow in the breasts in the days after the delivery of the baby. Increased blood flow aids in milk production but can cause pain and discomfort.
In what pregnancies would women be at risk for afterpains?
They typically happen in clients who have had multiple children (multipara), Breastfeeding mothers, clients who received oxytocin (pitocin), and those with an over-distended uterus ln people who have had twins, or a large baby (macrosomia).
What is it caused by?
This occurs in response to the withdrawal of placental hormones due to childbirth. This occurs to help the uterus to reduce in size.
What does a positive Homan sign look like?
Calf pain at dorsiflexion of the foot (thought to be associated with the presence of thrombosis.
Missing feedings, skipping a pumping session, weaning too quickly, difficulty with latching and sucking, not expressing breast milk when it first comes in due to plan of not breastfeeding the newborn
3-7 days
What is a complication that could occur if autolysis does not take place?
- Subinvolution
- Hemorrhage
- Diastasis Recti
Daily Double....
Demonstrate Homan's Sign on a classmate of your choosing.
What are some symptoms of breast engorgement you would tell a new mother to expect?
- tender or warm to touch
- heavy or full feeling
- lumpy or swollen breasts
What are common remedies to treat afterpains at home?
- ice pack (perineal area)
- heating pad (abdomen)
- left side-lying position
- Ibuprofen (Advil) this is better than tylenol
Daily double.....
What is the normal heart rate for a baby in utero?
What medications put you at risk for DVT?
Define "milk fever". Can you continue to nurse with this condition?
Why is Ibuprofen better for afterpains than acetaminophen.
Ibuprofen is an NSAID that is more targeted towards inflammation as well as pain, whereas acetaminophen is more commonly used for analgesic and antipyretic purposes.
What hormones trigger autolysis?
Estrogen and Progesterone drop triggering autolysis, during pregnancy estrogen and progesterone help the uterus enlarge and grow. So when the hormones drop it helps this drop.
Name three serious complications of a DVT
- MI
- PE
What are some nursing interventions you can do for breast engorgement?
Using warm compress/warm shower to encourage milk, feeding more regularly (every 1-3 hours), nursing as long as baby is hungry, massing breasts while nursing, applying cold compress to relieve pain/swelling, alternating breasts at feedings to avoid emptying supply, hand expressing or pumping when you can't nurse, taking approved pain meds