Tell tale sign of pneumonia
Who is random crackle
s/s skull fracture
who is battle sign, halo, rhinorrhea, raccoon eyes
s/s cardiac tamponade
who is JVD, HOTN, muffled heart sounds
what fluids do you use for fluid resuscitation
who is LR
med order for intubation
who is sedative then NB
who is eye (4), motor (6), verbal (5)
s/s of compartment syndrome
tracheal deviation
brassy cough
Most tell tale characteristic of acute phase of ARDS
V/Q mismatch
s/s of inc ICP
Who is HA, NV, LOC, Pupils
care for rib fracture
who is splint with pillow, incentive spirometer
who is high cal/high protein
scan order for PE
who is CT, MRI
Order of motor reflexes
who is spontaneous, localization, withdrawal, decortication, decerebration, flaccid
Tx for neurogenic shock
who is atropine, pacing, fluids <90, warming, DVT proph
auscultating bowel sounds in lungs
ruptured diaphragm
tx for CO poisoning
who is hyperbaric oxygen
Biggest risk with care for ards
Who is Barotrauma
Criteria for brain death
absence of brainstem reflexes- gag, ocular moevement, corneal reflex, facial grimace
comp for pelvic rupture
How long does it take for a second degree partial burn to heal
21 days