Are mammals warm-blooded or cold-blooded?
How do monotremes give birth?
They lay eggs
Together in packs
What order are monkeys, apes and humans all in?
How do aquatic mammals breathe?
With their lungs in the air.
How do mammals feed their babies?
The mother produces milk. (nursing)
What is the most famous monotreme?
The duck-billed platypus
Are Canids carnivores, omnivores or herbivores?
What does "bipedal" mean?
True or False: Aquatic mammals lay eggs?
What is a placental mammal?
A mammal that gives birth to fully developed babies.
Where do newborn Marsupials go to develop?
Their mother's pouch
Name 3 types of felines
Cat, Jaguar, Tiger, Lion, Cheetah.
What are the only truly bipedal primates?
What do baleen whales have instead of teeth?
Whalebone plates
True or false: All non-placental animals lay eggs.
True or False: Most marsupials are nocturnal.
What can most cats do with their claws?
Retract their claws
What major feature do primates have?
Opposable thumbs
What feature do both Dolphins and Porpoises have?
Where do baby placental mammals grow inside the mother?
The uterus
Name a place where the duck-billed platypus can be found?
Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea
Are bears Canid or Feline?
In what way can primates see that other mammals cannot?
3 dimensional