Management Theories
Functional Areas
Key Skills
Decision Making
Managing Change and Motivation

Pioneer of the Scientific Management Movement.

Who is Frederick Taylor?


This is where an organization defines goals.

What is planning?


3 examples of oral communication.

What are presentations, phone calls, answering questions, 1 on 1 meetings?


Decisions consist of what 2 basic steps.

What are gathering information and analyzing that information?


Practices that can raise the level of employee motivation.

What are

  1. Recognize a job well done

  2. Allow employees to demonstrate a level of autonomy 

  3. Include employees in goal setting 

  4. Facilitate respectful relationships

  5. Rethink performance review process


This management theory incorporates social factors of job satisfaction and feelings of worth.

What is the Human Relations Movement?


This functional area includes an organizational chart.

What is organizing

3 examples of written communication.

What are emails, press releases, business reports, social media?


Four steps of the decision making model.

What are 

1. Problem solving/statement of fact

2. Generating alternatives

3. Evaluating alternatives

4. Select the best alternative 


Practices in motivating Gen Z employees.

  1. Provide regular feedback 

  2. Promote interpersonal relationships (staff outings, etc.)

  3. Implement a flexible work schedule (not typical 9-5) 

  4. Provide career growth opportunities

  5. Embrace social media and technology in the office


The pioneer of the Organizational
Behavior Theory.

Who is Fred Luthans? 

This functional area includes strategic planning.

What is planning?


People skills are important because...

Need to treat all people fairly, ethically and with respect, sports are a "people intensive" industry


Pioneer of the decision making model.

Who is Chelladurai?


8 things to consider when managing change.

What are

  1. Review the process you want to change and determine why you want to do so.

  2. Consider all risks associated with the change and how these risks will impact employees.

  3. Consult this change with your employees.

  4. Conduct a careful assessment of the potential impact on employees.

  5. Allow employees to comment on assessment. 

  6. Amend the report as needed to include any changes.

  7. Implement the change.

  8. Assess how employees are responding to the change.


This theory is the modern approach to management, combining human behavior with organizational efficiency.

What is they Organizational Behavior Theory?


This functional area includes delegation.

What is Leading?


Benefits of participative decision making.

What are:

1. Greater diversity of opinions

2. Increase in fresh perspectives

3. Greater sense of team cooperation

4. Greater amount of ideas

The four steps towards greater organization efficiency in the Scientific Management Movement.

What is:

  1. Manager must gather knowledge of the process (“ins and outs” of how the company operates)

  2. Management has to select and develop the employees to perform efficiently 

  3. Bring together step 1 and 2 - combine knowledge gained and employees selected

  4. Divide the labor - managers must assume more responsibility and work “hand-in-hand” with the employees


This functional area includes reporting systems and performance improvement plans.

What is Evaluating?


Drawbacks of participative decision making.

What are

1. Irrelevant ideas

2. Social/peer pressure

3. More time needed to make decision
