Mind your Business
I love Business
Get Down to Business
Business as Usual
Monkey Business

Achieving the goals of an organization through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources is called:

A. Maintenance

B. Management

C. Monitoring

D. Motivation

B. Management


These types of needs are what a person needs to feel protected from physical, mental, or economic harm, 

A. Esteem needs

B. Physiological needs

C. Safety needs

D. Self-actualization needs

C. Safety Needs


The written description of the nature of a business, its goals and objectives, and how they will be achieved is called a: 

A. Business Plan

B. Operational Plan

C. Strategic Plan

D. SWOT Analysis

A. Business Plan


A short, specific statement of the business’s purpose and direction is called a:

A. Core values statement

B. Mission statement

C. Values statement

D. Vision statement

B. Mission Statement


What does the "S" stand for in SWOT?



Brooke directly supervises the non-managerial employees at the clothing store that she works for. Brooke would be considered what type of manager?

A. First-line

B. Median

C. Middle

D. Top

A. First Line


These needs include the desire to give and receive affection, and be part of a group

A. Social needs

B. Physiological needs

C. Safety needs

D. Self-actualization needs

A. Social Needs


What does the "O" stand for in SWOT? 



Air, water, food, sleep, and shelter are examples of:

A. Esteem needs

B. Physiological needs

C. Safety needs

D. Self-actualization needs

B. Physiological Needs


What does the "W" stand for in SWOT?



Lucy has the ability to work effectively with and through other people in a range of different relationships. Lucy has:

A. Conceptual skills

B. Directive skills

C. Human skills

D. Technical skills

C. Human Skills


What does the "T" stand for in SWOT?



Which level of management would include articulating a vision, establishing priorities, and allocating time, money, and other resources?

A. Top Level Management 

B. First-Line Management

C. Middle Management

D. Assistant Manager

A. Top Level Mangement


Which of the following is not a type of leadership style?

A. Autocratic

B. Democratic

C. Laissez-faire

D. Power-based

D. Power-based


Long-term planning that provides broad goals and direction for the entire business is called:

A. Business Planning

B. Operational Planning

C. Strategic Planning

D. SWOT Analysis

C. Strategic Planning


Job descriptions of key positions and an organizational chart of the company’s employees would most likely be included in which section of a business plan?

A. Financial Plan

B. Marketing Plan

C. Nature of the business

D. Organizational Plan

D. Organizational Plan


The management function of directing and motivating people to achieve organizational goals is called:

A. Controlling

B. Leading

C. Organizing

D. Planning

B. Leading


Openings in the marketplace, which can be based on market fluctuations and trends, would be categorized under which section of a SWOT analysis?

A. Threats

B. Opportunities

C. Weaknesses

D. Strengths

B. Opportunities


Short-term planning that identifies specific goals and activities for each part of the business is called:

A. Business Planning

B. Operational Planning

C. Strategic Planning

D. SWOT Analysis

B. Operational Planning


A visual representation of a company’s structure is called:

A. A business plan

B. An organizational chart

C. An organizational model

D. A SWOT Analysis

B. An organizational chart


Managers need to have the ability to grasp a big-picture view of the overall organization, the relationships among its various parts, and its fit in the broader competitive environment. These abilities are called:

A. Conceptual skills

B. Directive skills

C. Human skills

D. Technical skills

A. Conceptual Skills


This management theory found that when employees felt managers were concerned about them and were attempting to improve their working conditions, they were willing to work harder

A. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

B. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

C. McGregor’s Theory X and Y

D. The Hawthorne Effect

D. The Hawthorne Effect


A manager that thinks their employees need close supervision, otherwise they will not work to their greatest potential is following which motivation theory? 

A. McGregor’s Theory X 

B. The Hawthorne effect

C. Daniel Pink’s Theory of Motivation

D. McGregor’s Theory Y

A. McGregor's Theory X 

Managers that believe their employees want to work hard, and will do so if they are involved in decisions about their work and are assigned meaningful tasks are practicing which motivation theory? 

A. McGregor’s Theory X 

B. The Hawthorne effect

C. Daniel Pink’s Theory of Motivation

D. McGregor’s Theory Y

D. McGregor's Theory Y


When evaluating a SWOT, the external analysis are the things within a business that the manager cannot control, such as customers, competition and the government.  These are found in what categories of the SWOT? 

A. Strengths and Threats

B. Weaknesses and Opportunities

C. Strengths and Weaknesses 

D. Opportunities and Threats

D. Opportunities and Threats


The top management theory for employee motivation that believes people need to fill lower-level needs before they can address higher-level needs is called:

A. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

B. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

C. McGregor’s Theory X and Y

D. The Hawthorne Effect

B. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


Which level of management would include training and supervising the performance of employees who produce the company’s products and services?

A. Top Level Management 

B. First-Line Management

C. Middle Management

D. Chief Executive Officer

B. First-Line Management 


The management function of determining how plans can be accomplished most effectively and arranging resources to complete work is called:

A. Controlling

B. Leading

C. Organizing

D. Planning

D. Planning


The extent of which decision making power is held by a small number of people at the top of the organization is called what? 

A. Span of Control

B. Degree of Centralization 

C. Departmentalization 

D. Functional Structure

B. Degree of Centralization 


This type of Organizational Model shows the chain of command starting at the top position and flowing downward through multiple levels of management. 

A. Matrix Structure

B. Line Structure

C. Hierarchical Structure

D. Functional Structure

C. Hierarchical Structure
