General Tools
Time Management
Change Management
Emotional Intelligence

The roadmap for success within organizations

Strategic Objectives


They are time management techniques

What are 


•Time blocking

•Pomodoro technique

•Don´t leave it for tomorrow

•Pareto principle

•Getting Things Done (GTD)



Is Change Management

What is a  systematic process of change where the human side is involved with the organizational and operational side to ensure and achieve business objectives?


The four main types of temperaments

What are Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic, Phlegmatic?


The author of the book: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People 

Who is Stephen R Covey?


Some common mistakes when establishing KPI¨s

What are:

•Trying to Measure Everything

•Ignoring Your KPIs

•Not Prioritizing Your KPIs

•Not Linking Your KPIs to Your Strategy

•Not Reviewing Your KPIs

•Comparing Yourself to Others

•Not Including Your Team

•Focusing on Numbers Only

•Choosing KPIs you’ve always measured

•Choosing KPIs that are the easiest to measure?


A technique for time management that involves: deciding what task needs to be completed, set the timer for 25 minutes, work on a task until the timer rings, take a short 5 minute break.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?


Are the Phases of Change

What are:

Unknown phase

Knowledge phase

Acceptance phase

Engagement phase



Is Emotional Awareness

What is: Noticing,  identifying,  comprehension, control of emotions and showing empathy and comprehension for other people?

Recommended movies for the topics covered

Whar are these movies?


An indicator that tells management how the organization is performing in their critical success

What is a Key Performance Indicator?


Are the three moments of a meeting

What is: 

Before a session, the agenda manager or facilitator will distribute the agenda to all participants to ensure they’re prepared for what’s ahead and are able to attend. (Topic, time, responsible, who should attend)

During the meeting or workshop, they’ll use the agenda to keep discussions on track, organize time and guide the team through all the items in an agenda effectively.

Finally, after a meeting has been completed, the agenda manager will collect notes, and consider how they might improve their agenda for next time.


Is a false start in a Change Management process

What is: Vision+ Skills + Incentives+ Resources and lack of Action plan?


This is one of his phrases:

●Anybody can become angry tha is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree..

Who is Aristotle?


Homologous for "Pomodoro Technique" in Mexico

What is the "Rabanito" technique?

Types of KPIs in Business Management

What are: 

•Financial Metrics

•Customer Metrics

•Process Metrics

•People Metrics


Are Time Wasters

What are:

Excessive social media.

Inefficient meetings



Email overload


Not knowing when to say “no”

Using outdated technology



The technique for "Creating the desire for change"

What represents showing the positive and the negative side for the change and showing the positive and the negative side for not changing?


To improve Emotional Awareness

What is:

1.Keeping a journal.

2.Seeking feedback

3.Identifying your emotions in the moment

4.Connecting emotions to thoughts and behaviors

5.Noticing your thought patterns.

6.Identifing Your Emotional triggers.

7.Reflecting On Your behaviors.

8.Expressing Emotions in a Healthy Way


10.Managing Difficult Emotions Effectively?


A SMART objective for this class

What is "To increase the average of my grades from 7.5 to 9.5 for my favorite class Managerial Skills, at the end of this semester"?


Often referred to as the “80/20 rule,” the Pareto principle has one key rule: you spend 20% of your time on 80% of your work. If you can complete 80% of your tasks relatively quickly, you’ll free up your workday to tackle the 20% of work that will take 80% of your time.

What is the Pareto principle?


Are the steps for Individual Change Management

What are:

1.Motivating change

2.Creating vision

3.Gaining support

4.Managing the transition

Maintaining momentum


Dr. Robert Plutchik proposed that there are eight primary emotions that serve as the foundation for all others: joy, sadness, acceptance, disgust, fear, anger, surprise, and anticipation

What is the emmotion wheel?


An American psychologist, author, and science journalist. Apart from his books on emotional intelligence, Goleman has written books on topics including self-deception, creativity, transparency, meditation, social and emotional learning,

Who is Daniel Goleman?
