Noticing that you consistently feel angry when someone interrupts you
Identifying triggers
I usually yell and explode at people when I'm angry, but instead now I will keep my voice level and calm.
Opposite action
A way to calm the body using auditory senses
Listen to calming music, white noise, ocean sounds, etc
Someone has been upsetting me repeatedly. I approach them calmly and clearly/respectfully address the situation to put an end to it.
Improving communication skills
I used to get angry and frustrated when I was presented with a challenging scenario, but now I think of it as a character-building experience
Changing your thinking
I got angry when I thought that someone was accusing me of something, but then I thought things through and looked at it from their point of view.
Check the facts
Small tactile objects to manipulate with the hands
Fidget toys
When I am angry with someone, I will remember: Describe the situation, Express how I feel, Assert what I need, Reinforce others when they treat me respectfully, be Mindful of my emotions, Act confident, and Negotiate to find a compromise that works in everyone's best interest
When I'm feeling angry, I take a walk to calm myself back down.
Developing coping skills
I am getting increasingly frustrated with my housing situation, but I will choose to make peace and accept what is happening.
Radical acceptance
Warm shower/bath, heated blanket
This will provide stimulation to my mouth which has been proven to reduce anger
Chewing gum
I have been doing my own research into relaxing, deep breathing exercises that will calm me when I'm feeling frustrated.
Learning relaxation techniques
I feeling extremely angry - I have reached my boiling point - to avoid exploding, I choose to engage in intense physical activity for 10-20 minutes that raises my heart rate
TIPP (Temperature change, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, Paired muscle relaxation)
A way to manage anger using deep pressure
Weighted blanket, hug self tight
Looking at something visually appealing can distract you from feelings of anger
Fish tanks/aquariums, a calming video or TV show, looking at photos of loved ones
Instead of getting frustrated and giving up, I will figure out a way to fix this.
Problem-solving approaches
I am feeling particularly frustrated about something that usually doesn't bother me, but then I realize I haven't eaten all day and take a moment to sit down and eat a healthy meal - now I feel better!
PLEASE (Physical illness, Balanced eating, Avoiding mood-altering substances, Balanced sleep, Exercise)
Provides proprioceptive input and relaxation
Stretching or gentle yoga
When I'm feeling stressed or angry, I may smell something pleasant and this can help calm me down.