This SIMple actiVIty, OFten done in parks or on TREADmills, can reDUCE stress and imPROVE mood.
Idiom: "A step in the right direction"
Answer: What is walking?
Conversation Starter: Where is your favorite place to take a walk, and why?
Idiom: "A step in the right direction" (Making progress toward a goal)
A COMmon PRAtice where PEOple inHALE DEEply and exHALE SLOWly to calm their minds.
Idiom: "Take a breather"
Answer: What is deep breathing?
Conversation Starter: When was the last time you felt stressed? Did you try taking deep breaths?
Idiom: "Take a breather" (Pause to relax)
WRIting about FEELings and THOUGHTS in this can help PEOple proCESS eMOtions and reDUCE stress.
Idiom: "Put pen to paper"
Answer: What is a journal?
Conversation Starter: Have you ever kept a journal or written down your thoughts? What was your experience like?
Idiom: "Put pen to paper" (Start writing)
A hands-on acvity inVOLving COlors, BRUSHes, and CANvases that can be theraPEUtic.
Idiom: "A blank canvas"
Answer: What is painting?
Conversation Starter: If you could paint anything right now, what would you choose?
Idiom: "A blank canvas" (A fresh start or new opportunity)
SPENding time with these FURry, four-LEGged [2] comPANions has been shown to LOwer stress LEvels.
Idiom: "Let the cat out of the bag"
Answer: What are pets?
Conversation Starter: Do you have a pet, or have you ever wanted one? What kind?
Idiom: "Let the cat out of the bag" (Reveal a secret)
A PRACtice comBINing PHYSical POStures, BREAthing EXercises, and mediTAtion to enHANCE relaxAtion
Idiom: "Bend over backward"
Answer: What is yoga?
Conversation Starter: Have you ever tried yoga? If so, what did you like or dislike about it?
Idiom: "Bend over backward" (Make an extreme effort)
A relaxAtion TECHnique where you tense and reLEASE muscle groups throughout the body.
Idiom: "Let your hair down"
Answer: What is progressive muscle relaxation?
Conversation Starter: Have you ever noticed where you hold tension in your body? How do you try to relax it?
Idiom: "Let your hair down" (Relax and be yourself)
A way to REframe NEGative THOUGHTS by FOcusing on appreciAtion for what you have.
Idiom: "Count your blessings"
Answer: What is gratitude?
Conversation Starter: Can you think of three things you’re grateful for today?
Idiom: "Count your blessings" (Recognize the good things in life)
A stress-reLIEving acTIvity where PEOple tell STORies, write POems, or creATE FICtional worlds.
Idiom: "Spin a yarn"
Answer: What is creative writing?
Conversation Starter: Have you ever written a story, poem, or song? What inspired it?
Idiom: "Spin a yarn" (Tell a long or elaborate story)
SHARing PROblems or emOtions with these people—WHEther friends or proFESsionals—can reDUCE stress.
Idiom: "A shoulder to cry on"
Answer: What are support networks or therapists?
Conversation Starter: Who do you turn to when you need support or advice?
Idiom: "A shoulder to cry on" (Someone to confide in)
High-inTENsity EXercise that reLEASes enDORphins, often done in a gym or OUTdoors
Idiom: "Hit the ground running"
Answer: What is running?
Conversation Starter: Some people run for fun, while others find it difficult. How do you feel about running?
Idiom: "Hit the ground running" (Start something with energy and enthusiasm
Using GIOded AUdio or MENtal imAgery to visualIZE PEACEful scenes for stress reLIEF.
Idiom: "A penny for your thoughts"
Answer: What is meditation?
Conversation Starter: Some people meditate daily, while others find it difficult to sit still. Have you ever tried it?
Idiom: "A penny for your thoughts" (Ask someone what they're thinking)
A PRActice of FOcusing on the PREsent MOment withOUT JUDGment.
Idiom: "Be in the moment
Answer: What is mindfulness?
Conversation Starter: How do you try to stay present in your daily life?
Idiom: "Be in the moment" (Focus on the present)
The PRACtice of PLAYing INstruments, SINGing, or LIStening to CERtain types of tunes to RElax.
Idiom: "Face the music"
Answer: What is music therapy?
Conversation Starter: What song or type of music helps you relax the most?
Idiom: "Face the music" (Accept consequences)
This acTIvity, often done before bed, inVOLVES abSORbing words and STORies to esCAPE stress.
Idiom: "Don't judge a book by its cover"
Answer: What is reading?
Conversation Starter: What book or type of reading helps you escape from stress?
Idiom: "Don't judge a book by its cover" (Don't judge based on appearance)
This rhythmic WAter-based EXercise enGAges nearly all MUscle groups and is excellent for stress RElief.
Idiom: "Keep your head above water"
Answer: What is swimming?
Conversation Starter: Do you prefer swimming in a pool, a lake, or the ocean? Why?
Idiom: "Keep your head above water" (Stay afloat, financially or emotionally)
A therapy that uses SOOthing scents like lavender or CHANomile to proMOTE relaxAtion.
Idiom: "Wake up and smell the roses"
Answer: What is aromatherapy?
Conversation Starter: Do you have a favorite scent that makes you feel calm or happy?
Idiom: "Wake up and smell the roses" (Appreciate life and its simple pleasures)
This psychological TECHnique inVOLVES recogNIZing and CHANging distorted THINking PATterns.
Idiom: "Mind over matter"
Answer: What is cognitive-behavioral therapy?
Conversation Starter: Have you ever tried changing a negative thought into a more positive one? How did it go?
Idiom: "Mind over matter" (Control your thoughts to overcome difficulties)
A hands-on craft that involves LOOping yarn with NEEdles to create FAbric-based projects.
Idiom: "Tied up in knots"
Answer: What is knitting or crocheting?
Conversation Starter: Have you ever knitted or crocheted anything? If not, would you like to try?
Idiom: "Tied up in knots" (Feeling stressed or anxious)
Many PEOple spend hours each day USing this device, which can either help or harm stress LEvels.
Idiom: "Unplug and recharge"
Answer: What is a smartphone (or screen time)?
Conversation Starter: Do you think technology helps you relax, or does it make you more stressed?
Idiom: "Unplug and recharge" (Take a break to refresh)
This practice, originating in China, involves slow, flowing movements and deep breathing for relaxation.
Idiom: "Go with the flow"
Answer: What is tai chi?
Conversation Starter: Have you ever practiced or seen tai chi in a park? What do you think of it?
Idiom: "Go with the flow" (Adapt to circumstances easily)
A Japanese technique that involves using hand positions to balance energy and reduce stress.
Idiom: "Good vibes only"
Answer: What is Reiki?
Conversation Starter: Have you ever tried or heard of Reiki? What do you think about energy healing?
Idiom: "Good vibes only" (Focus on positive energy)
The process of mentally picturing a successful or positive outcome to reduce anxiety.
Idiom: "See the light at the end of the tunnel"
Answer: What is visualization?
Conversation Starter: If you could visualize a perfect relaxing day, what would it look like?
Idiom: "See the light at the end of the tunnel" (Have hope for a better outcome)
A form of art using clay to shape objects, often requiring a spinning wheel or sculpting tools.
Idiom: "Shape up or ship out"
Answer: What is pottery?
Conversation Starter: If you could make anything out of clay, what would you create?
Idiom: "Shape up or ship out" (Improve or leave)
A warm beverage enjoyed in many cultures, often associated with comfort and relaxation.
Idiom: "Not my cup of tea"
Answer: What is tea drinking?
Conversation Starter: Do you have a favorite type of tea, or do you prefer another drink to unwind?
Idiom: "Not my cup of tea" (Not something you enjoy)