Time Management
Setting Goals
Coping Strategies

How should you spend your free periods when you know that you have a game after school and a lot of work due the next day? 

Working. Maybe grab a quick bite to eat but otherwise prioritize your work so that the rest of your night won't be as stressful and you can go to sleep at a normal time


How would you define a goal (a school-related goal)? 

Something that a person is putting effort towards achieving 


What are some ways to de-stress during a hard day/week 

Eat healthy foods, get the # of hours you know you need to be fully functioning, spend time with friends and family, make time for things you enjoy doing such as playing a sport, go outside 


What can you do if you are having a tough time at school or at home and can't complete a homework assignment? 

Talk to your teachers and dean 


What is the best way to limit distractions with studying? 

1) make a schedule/ to-do list, 2) turn off phone alerts, 3) break down your work into smaller tasks, 4) find a good, quiet place to do work 5) clear your desk 


How can you ensure you accomplish everything you want to accomplish in a day? 

Write it down in a planner or your phone and make sure you stick to that list


What are the signs of stress in teenagers and how can you help someone out that is exhibiting these traits?

Headaches, stomachaches, sleep issues, low grades, easily annoyed or nervous, and difficulty concentrating. You could see if they need support from you or an adult and make sure that they know that you are there for them. Consult a professional if you are extremely worried about this teen. 


Where are places on school campus that you can go to to get work done during the day? 

Library, writing center, lounge (if it's quiet), potentially the overflow lunch rooms, a quiet hallway with a desk in it 


What does good time management enable you to do? 

You will be able to get more work done in a shorter amount of time. You will have more free time to relax/play sports/talk to friends... 


What are the benefits of achieving a goal? 

Feeling satisfied with yourself and happy that you completed the task. 


Who can you go to for help during the day at school? 

The nurse, counselors, your dean, a teacher you trust 


True or false: it is good to take breaks in between different sections of homework that you have? 

True. Taking short breaks after finishing a full homework assignment has shown a lot of benefits including reduced stress and frustration and it will also allow you to stay more focused. It is beneficial to take them for 10-15 minutes each.


A 9th grader has 3 tests this week plus homework. How would you suggest they use their time so they can get everything done? 

Break up his/her studying into several different parts spread out across multiple days. Don't leave this studying until the last night before the test. Use your free periods wisely - get work done during them. Answers may vary here 


Who (at school+home) can help you establish/set goals? 

Your dean, parents, sometimes an older sibling 


what are 5 stress coping techniques?

Take a 10 minute walk. According to a few experts if you take a walk it will help reduce endorphins in the system that cause stress.

Practice mindfulness. ...

Create an exercise regiment. ...

Write a reflection journal. ...

Organize yourself. 


If you are having trouble with a homework assignment what should you do? 

Contact you teacher and sit with them during office hours/a free period 
