Coping Skills
Things to Do When You Need Help
True or False
Challenging Negative Thoughts
Problem Solving (in a healthy way)

A coping skill you can use for self care

What is .....?

(cleaning, showering, taking a bath etc.)


People I can talk to when I feel unwell are

What is my supports?

(family, friends, therapist etc)


Anger is a bad emotion


Anger is a normal emotion, how we express this emotion can be important. For example, yelling and screaming may not always be the answer, instead, try going for a walk or doing a breathing exercise.


Instead of saying "poor me", I can try to 

What is think of ways to improve my situation?

If I forgot to attend a counseling appointment, I should

What is call the place where I receive counseling and admit my mistake? I should try to reschedule my appointment as it is still important that I go. Everyone makes mistakes, it happens.


A coping skill you can use when you are stressed 

What is ....?

(journaling, meditation, exercise etc.)


If using my coping skills does not de-escalate my bad feelings, I should

What is call my supports, reach out to my therapist, call my resources?


In 2019, the CDC found that 11.2% of adults (18 and over) had reached out for help for feelings of anxiousness 


It is normal to feel anxious at times. It is important to utilize professional support for this if you cannot manage it on your own.

(CDC, 2022)


When I feel bad about my appearance, I can 

What is remind myself of all of important things my body does for me?

(legs to walk, eyes to see, etc.)


Today at work I made a mistake, my boss yelled at me and now I feel worthless, like I can do a good job. What should I do?

What is realize mistakes happen, take ownership and learn from it? Everyone makes mistakes, it is important to note that I understand the mistake and will not do it again. Now I can use this experience to help others not make the same mistake. 


Coping skills are defined as

What is any characteristic or behavioral pattern that enhances a person's adaptation? 


If another person is causing me to feel bad, I should

What is set boundaries, express my feelings in a healthy way to them, avoid them?

1 in 10 adults live with a mental illness


1 in 5 adults live with a mental illness. Mental health is as important as physical health and can effect more people than you may think.

(National Institute of Mental Health, 2022)


When someone says something bad about me, I can

What is understand that is a reflection of that person? When people voice their negative opinions of me, that says more about them than it does about me.


Oh no! Four days ago, I told my friend that I could go out to lunch with them tomorrow at noon but I forgot I had a counseling session at 12:30 ! What should I do?

What is call your friend and ask to adjust the time of lunch until after your counseling session? It is important to make appointments when they are scheduled and my friend will understand how important my session is. 


Coping skills are beneficial when

What is a person is feeling bad or is unable to process their emotions?


When I find I am criticizing myself, I should

What is write a list of things I like about myself, a list of accomplishments, or use words of affirmation when referring to myself?


In 2020, adults in the age range of 26-49 received the most mental health services in the US


In 2020, adults over the age of 50 received the most mental health services at 72.9% while the age range 26-49 received 63 %.

(National Institute of Mental Health, 2022)

Someone I thought was a friend rejected me and now I feel like no one likes me. It is important for me to

What is realize that there are other people who care about me and like me for who I am? Rejection of one person can hurt, try talking to your other supports about how it makes you feel. It can help a lot.


When I try problem solving, sometimes I feel like I make it worse! How can I fix this?

What is try to remember the acronym IDEAL? There is no right way to solve a problem but it can be easier with a little direction. Try using this acronym. IDEAL stands for:

  • Identify the problem
  • Define the context of the problem
  • Explore possible strategies
  • Act on best solution
  • Look back and learn

Coping skills I like to use when I feel bad are

What is ....?


When I am feeling low and don't feel comfortable talking to my supports, I should

What is utilize my resources and hotlines?

(crisis hotline, warmline etc)


Schizophrenia tends to appear earlier in males (late teens-early twenties) than it does in females (early twenties-early thirties).


Males tend to show symptoms of Schizophrenia earlier than females. Roughly half of the individuals with Schizophrenia have co-occurring mental health disorders. 


When I called to talk to my friend, they sounded angry and were short on the phone, do they not want to talk to me? What should I do?

What is understand the situation before making assumptions? Maybe my friend had a long day and negative events occurred for them. Instead of jumping to conclusions, I will try to talk to them later after they have used their coping skills and have become more levelheaded. 

Oops, I forgot to take my medication last night, what should I do?

What is get back on track today & reach out to my provider? Everyone can be forgetful at times and I know it is important to take my medications. To ensure someone is aware, I could call my provider to make sure that they are aware. 
