Literacy Facts
What About Roger?
Our Learners
Inside Scoop
Books, Books, Books

The percentage of immigrants in the U.S. that are proficient English Speakers.

What is 53% of immigrants in the U.S. over the age of 5.


The company Roger worked for prior to spending all his waking hours with M.L.C.

Where is Publix!

(Who has also donated to our fundraisers in the past)


The number of different languages that our learners speak!

What is 20!  Including English (We have two learner for whom English is their native language!)


Theresa's Last Name!

What is Prather.


Book that won the 2020 Pulitzer Prize in the Fiction Category.

What is The Nickle Boys by Colson Whitehead?  (He also wrote The Undergroud Railroad, Harlem Shuffle, and much more!)


The organization that we often refer to as "The Mothership" of literacy organizations in the U.S.

What is ProLiteracy - and you can access information from them too because we are members!


The mammals that Roger loves the best.

What is CATS.  He has two cats - Mr. Jack and Dewey Dos.  


The MLC Learner who is ALSO a MLC Board Member!

Alfredo Zayas - (he's also a physicist!)


The location of "All Aboard for Literacy" on November 5th.

What is the Manatee Historical Village Park.


The real name of Lewis Carol, author of Alice in Wonderland.

What is Charles Dodgson?


The percentage of incarcerated individuals without a high school degree or classified as low literate.

What is 75%.  Incarcerated individuals who participate in correctional education are 43% less likely to recidivate than individuals who do not. 


The number of years that Roger has volunteered with Manatee Literacy.

What are 17 years.  (We keep moving - but he keeps finding us!)


The number of learners currently waiting to be matched with a tutor.

What is 123? (And rising every day!)


Conversation Classes, Book Clubs, Library Classes, Workplace Literacy Programs, Tutoring, Tutor Training, and Digital Literacy Training.

What are the different types of programs available at MLC?


The second volume in the series The Lord of the Rings.

What is The Two Towers.

The full reading list is:

  • The Silmarillion.
  • The Hobbit.
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings.
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

The percentage of adults in the United States that are considered "Low-Literate".

What is 25%.  One out of five adults in the United States are unable to read, write, or do basic math over a 3rd-grade level. 


The Handsome Dude in the plaid shirt! 


The country which represents the largest group of learners to MLC.  

What is Venezuela? 


How most people learn about Manatee Literacy Council.

What is Google?  (But word-of-mouth works great too!)


The working title of Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice.

What was First Impressions and was probably written in 1796. 


The state in the U.S. with the highest population of literacy at or below Level 1.

What is New Mexico, at 29%?  Texas, Mississippi, and California follow closely at 28%, and Louisiana at 27%. Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Arizona, and New York come in at 24%.


The NFL Team that Roger roots for even though they have not won a Superbowl since 2011.

What is the Packers?  (Now the real question - WHY)


The SECOND most spoken language of learners with MLC.

What is Russian? (The first is Spanish, and the third is Creole).


The location of our newest in-person ESL classes.

What is Palmetto Library? (The other is the Rocky Bluff Library Branch)


The war in which Anthony Doerr's novel "All the Light We Cannot See" was set.

World War II (and is one of Michelle's favorite audio books!)
