What is rule number 1?
Follow directions quickly
What tile do we walk in?
How do we sit on the rug?
Where do your pencils belong after work time is done?
In the blue basket.
I see a mud puddle and I want to play in it. What should I do?
Stay away and not jump in it. Consequence: You get sent to the wall for recess.
What is rule number 2?
Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Where should our hands be in the hallway?
In our pockets or folded in front of us.
Where should we be looking?
At the screen or at the teacher.
Where do your finished work pages go?
In your mailbox.
The snow hills have gotten so big and I really want to climb on them. What should I do?
Stay off of them and play somewhere else. Consequence: You get sent to the wall for recess.
What is rule number 3?
Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
Where should our eyes be in the hallway?
Our eyes should be looking forward.
Where should our hands be?
In our laps.
Where should your shoes be at the end of the day?
In the coat room on the bench.
What happens if you don't wear all your winter gear out?
You have to stay on the sidewalk and not play.
What is rule number 4?
Make smart choices by keeping our hands and feet to ourselves.
What voice level should we have in the hallway?
zero voice = no talking.
How should we sound?
Where do headphones go after computers?
In the third drawer.
I had so much fun on the slide that I am going to turn around and climb back up it. What will happen?
You could get hurt, or sent to the wall.
What is rule number 5?
Keep your dear teacher and classmates happy.
No, we should be walking with our hands to ourselves.
How should your body look?
Calm, still and ready to learn.
If it is not time to color where should your crayons be?
In the top drawer.
My friend took the ball out of my hands. I am so angry I want to hit them. What should I do?
Walk away or get an adult. Consequence: You get sent to the wall for recess.