Animal Classification
True or False
Fill in the blank
Mandarin Duck
Multiple Choice

What is the Kingdom and Phylum of the Mandarin Duck?

Kingdom: Animalia, Animalia means that the organism is an animal. Phylum: Chordata which means animals that include vertebrates as well as lancelets and sea squirts.


True or False Mandarin Ducks cannot fly?

False they are very agile flyers.


Mandarin Ducklings are known for being__________.

Daredevils, if their nest is in a tree they will jump out of the tree when born.


This is a picture of a Female Mandarin Duck.


How long does it take for a Mandarin Duckling to be fully grown? (A 1-2 months) (B 1 month) (C 2-3 months)

C 2-3 months.


What is the Class and Order of the Mandarin Duck?

Class: Aves which means it is a type of bird  Order: Anseriformes this means that the bird is a waterfowl bird.


True or False in China Mandarin Ducks are given to people getting married as a sign of love.



Mandarin ducks are often seen as the most _________ duck in the world.

They are seen as the most beautiful duck in the world.


This is a picture of what a female duck looks like, but this is also what a male duck looks like when molted. Expect for the male ducks beak.


Where do Mandarin Ducks migrate to? ( A China and Japan) (B India and Japan) (C India and China)

A China and Japan.


What family is the Mandarin Duck in?

Family: Anatidae this means that it is either a duck, goose, and swan


True or False Mandarin male ducks are prettier than female Mandarin Ducks?

True the male ducks are prettier to attract female Mandarins.


In the wild Mandarin Ducks live up to about _ years.

They live up to about 6 years in the wild and 10 years in captivity.


These are Mandarin Duck eggs they honestly look like chicken eggs.


How big does the Average Mandarin Duck get? (A 8.3-9.7 inches) (B 7.6-9.4 inches) (C 6.7-8.8 inches)

A 8.3-9.7 inches long.


What is the Genus of the Mandarin Duck?

Genus: Aix this means that it is a wood duck.


True or False the Mandarin duck is known to be native to China, India, and Siberia.

False they are native to China, Siberia, and Japan.


Mandarin Ducks are _________. Hint this is referring to if they are Herbivores, Carnivores, or Omnivores.

They are Omnivores, They are mainly herbivores in the winter but in the summer they are almost always carnivores.


This is a baby Mandarin Duck it reminds me of the Mallard Ducklings.


How many eggs does the average Mandarin duck lay a year? (A 9-12) (B 10-11) (C 8-10)

A 9-12 it is an interesting thing that some Female Mandarin Ducks will egg dump their eggs meaning that they will sometime lay their egg in another female's nest. That is why sometimes there will be a nest with 40 eggs in it.


What is the Species of the Mandarin Duck?

Species: Aix galericulata Also known as the Mandarin Duck.


True or False the Mandarin Male duck is an absent father?

True they are there for the incubation part of the duckling's life, but after that, they leave and molt their colorful feathers for feathers that match the environment.


There are about ______ amount of Mandarin ducks left in the world.



This is what is sometimes given during a wedding, a wooden Mandarin Duck.


What percentage of the Mandarin Ducks' diet is a  herbivores diet. (A 70%) (B 80%) (C 60%)

B 80% of the Mandarin duck's diet is filled with grass seeds, berries, aquatic plants, stems, and leaves.
