What number is this?
Number 2 (èr)
What number is this?
Six (liù)
How do you say the number 3 in mandarin?
Draw the character for 7
What number is this?
Number 4 (sì)
What number is this
Number 8 (bā)
How do you say the number 10 in mandarin?
Whats the hand gesture for 8?
What Number is this?
Number 7 (qī)
What number is this?
Number 10 (shí)
How do you say the number 8 in mandarin?
Draw the number 10
What Number is this?
Number 8 (bā)
What number is this?
Number 9 (jiǔ)
How do you say the number 6 in mandarin?
How do you say these numbers in mandarin?
2,2,4,4,8,8,10,10 Say it as fast as you can!!!
èr, èr, sì, sì, bā, bā, shí, shí
What number is this?
Number 5 (wǔ)
What number is this?
Number 7 (qī)
How do you say the number 9 in mandarin?
How do you say the numbers from 1-10 in order?
yī, èr, sān, sì, wǔ, liù, qī, bā, jiǔ, shí.