Tu commands:
How do you make Tu Commands
Find the he/she/ud form of the verb;
Put on the new ending
Conjugate "Speak!" in Spanish
"I clean my room everyday"
Yo limpio mi cuarto todos los dias
Come to my house
Ven a mi casa
Go to the car y leave my house
Ve al carro y sal de mi casa
How do you say "Let's go swimming!" in Spanish?
¡Vamos a nadar!
Conjugate "clean" in Spanish
My sister takes out the trash on Wednesday.
Mi hermana saca la basura los miercoles.
Leave my room now!
Sal de mi cuarto!
Be nice and bring me my lunch
Se bueno y traeme mi almuerzo
How do you say "swim" in Spanish?
Clean your room and take out the trash
Limpia tu cuarto y saca la basura
We make the bed and we set the table
Nosotros hacemos la cama y ponemos la mesa
Set the table and then make the bed
Pon la mesa y luego haz la cama
Do me a favor, be organized
Hazme un favor, se organizado
How do you say: write and share in Spanish?
escribe y comparte
How do you say " feed the cat"
Da de comer al gato
My cousin has to clean her room
Mi primo tiene que limpiar su cuarto
tell me!
Sleep more and play more sports
Duerme mas y juega mas deportes
How do you say "run and play sports" in Spanish?
corre y juega deportes
How do you say "mow the lawn"
corta el cesped
I never wash my car because I do not have a car.
Yo nunca lavo mi carro porqure yo no tengo un carro.
Give me my book
Dame mi libro
come to my party and make me a cake
ven a mi fiesta y hazme una torta