How many Guinness World Records are currently held by the sanstha and what for?
List ways we can incorporate Satsang Into our Daily Lives
Where was the first mandir in USA built?
New York
What is the name of the trophy that the Super Bowl winners receive?
The Lombardi Trophy
How mandirs did Yogi Bapa build?
How long was Nilkanth Varni's journey across India?
7 years, 1 month and 11 days
How can we utilize good communication in our lives ?
In our education, social settings, projects, and coordinated events.
Where was the first shikharbbadh mandir built in USA?
How many bones does a shark have?
None! The whole body of the shark is made up of cartilages
Which one of our gurus started ravi sabha?
Yogiji Maharaj
What is one of the 5 water less fasts that Shastriji Mahraj has commanded to do?(Double Points for Naming All)
Swaminarayan Jayanti, Dev Podhi Ekadashi, Janmastami, Jal-Jhilani Ekadashi, & Dev Uthi Ekadashi.
What are some things we can clear from our mind from going to the mandir?
Clear our thirst for material objects, clear our greed, clear our worldly desires.
Tallest built BAPS mandir in India.
Which NBA teams hold the most championship titles?There are 2
The Los Angeles Lakers and the Boston Celtics
Which month did Mahant Swami become the guru of BAPS
Which festival signifies the midpoint of Chaturmas?
Jal Jhilani
What does the Tilak Chandlo Represent?
It represents how one has taken refuge/surrendered at the feet of God
Which mandir is known to be the first earthquake proof mandir?
LA Mandir
Who holds the NBA record for the most rebounds?
Wilt Chamberlain.
Which is the first mandir Pramukh Swami Maharaj consecrated as a Guru?
Name the sections of the vachnamarut.
Gadhada, Sarangpur, Kariyani, Loya, Panchala, Vartal, Amdavad, Ashlali, and Jetalpur
In what Vachnamarut does Maharaj answer the question of "How can we improve following our niyam dharma and practicing Satsang in real time?" (Double points for reciting the Vachanamrut)
In Vachanamrut Gadhada I-15, Maharaj talked about determination in beholding Bhagwanʼs form in oneʼs heart. As this is not an easy task, He explained the characteristics of an ideal devotee, “Furthermore, such a person remains determined to behold Bhagwanʼs form in his heart. If, while meditating on that form, it cannot be beheld, he does not lose courage. Instead, he constantly maintains renewed shraddhā.” He continued to say, “Even if this process takes 10 years, 20 years, 25 years, or even 100 years, he still does not become discouraged; and never does he abandon his attempts at beholding Bhagwanʼs form. Learning from this, we see that nothing can be done overnight. We need to be perseverant and continue trying no matter what obstacles come our way.
Name B.A.G.G.S. (Mandir Acronym)
Bochasan, Atladara, Gondal, Gadhada, Sarangpur
Which team won the first-ever NBA game?
New York Knicks
When and where did Pramukh Swami Maharaj become the president of BAPS?
1950, 21 May Ambi Vadi Pol