Why settlers went to Oregon.
What is farmland?!
The first President of the United States.
Who is George Washington?
What manifest means.
What is clear or obvious?
The President responsible for the trail of tears.
Who is Andrew Jackson?
The main occuptation in the South.
What are farmers?
Why settlers went on the California/Santa Fe trail.
What is gold and riches.
Who are John Adams and Thomas Jefferson?
What destiny means.
What is future or fate?
The name of the main tribe that petitioned the government and fought being forced on their lands in the Supreme Court.
Who are the Cherokee?
Why settlers went on the Mormon Trail.
What is religious freedom?
The event that doubled the size of the United States.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
According to the famous painting this individual was directing or leading Manfiest Destiny.
Who is God and an angel?
The name of the act passed by the President to get Native Americans off of their land.
The Indian Removal Act
What are Cotton, Slaves, Cotton gin?
Dangers the Pioneers faced going west.
Sickness, weather, animal attacks, fights with Native Americans, river crossings, drowning, lightning strikes.
The British were doing this to America which lead to the War of 1812.
What is British impressment or forcing Americans into their navy?
What is the belief of Manifest Destiny according to the people of the United States.
What is the land belonged to America and it was destined to be connected from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean.
The number of Cherokee that passed away on the journey.
Bonus: The total number of Native Americans that passed away.
What is 4000 or 1/4 of the population.
Bonus: What is 6000+?
The main workers in northern factories.
Who are women and children?
What are trades, attacks, and guides/assistance?
The XYZ affair was...
What is when John Adams sent ambassadors to talk to France and ask them to stop taking our ships and they asked for a bribe.
Did the belief of Manifest Destiny come true?
Yes, the U.S. has expanded from ocean to ocean.
The things that happened on the trail of tears... (give specific examples)
What is settlers overcharging the Native Americans. What is people spectating and watching Native Americans. What is cold, snow, and sickness. What is difficult and filled with death. What is rushed or forced to proceed forward 8-9 miles a day.
The benefits of whale hunting for African Americans.
What is freedom from slaves hunters, the ability to make money, and a place to be equal or above the white man.