Study Tips and Skills
Test Preparation
Reducing Test Anxiety
Should you pull an all nighter to study? And when is the best time to study?
No. Afternoon, early evening. FYI: Go to bed at your regular time.
Is sleep important for a test?
Yes FYI: you need to be well rested, take a catnap if your test is in the afternoon, and if it’s in the morning make sure you get at least a minimum of 3 hours, preferably 8.
Should you chew gum during a test?
Yes! FYI: It gives you something to do, reducing anxiety.
Should you "cram study" the night before a test, or spread your study time out?
Spread it out for a few days.
Are cheat sheets okay?
Yes. FYI: Put down all the important information on a cheat sheet, something that you can briefly look over before you begin the exam.
Should you complete easy or hard questions first?
Easy FYI: The easier ones will give you more confidence for the harder ones.
Is you room or bed a good study place?
No. FYI: Too many distractions and a risk of falling asleep.
Is the test a race?
No FYI: It is okay to be the last one in the room
Does exercising help or waste time?
It helps FYI: Exercising for a few days before the test will reduce stress and anxiety.
Is it a good idea to take breaks while studying?
Yes FYI:Your brain mainly retains what you studied in the beginning and the end, not the middle.
What should you do once you completed the test?
Go through and double check your answers, as well as make sure your name is on the test.
Once receiving a test is it good to just jump in?
No FYI: look over test, as well as immediately put down any important info into the margins so you won’t forget it.
Is memorizing your material a good idea?
No. FYI: You need to understand it, not just memorize.
Should you eat before a test?
Yes! FYI: It’ll give you fuel and energy to focus.
Once finished should you worry about the results?
No! FYI: relax, you can’t change your score now, just focus on other studying and breathe. Our first semester is done. :)