You are at church or school and your teacher is speaking to the class about something you already know. What do you do with your cell phone?
Keep it on silent in your bag or pocket and do not take it out to check your messages.
True or False:
You don't have to use utensils to eat corn on the cob, fried chicken or pizza, even if you are at the home of an etiquette expert.
Finger foods are almost always served in casual eating situations like picnics and barbecues where you are expected to eat with your fingers. But don't eat your potato salad that way.
True or false Your Quorum advisor/YW leader texts you to see if you need help with your lesson. You forgot you were supposed to be giving a lesson on Sunday, so it is best if you just ignore his texts.
False. It is really important that you respond in a timely manner to your leaders parents and others. Well all understand, we forget things too.
Your mom says that a neighbor you often mow the lawn for has left a message for you to call him. You have too much homework this weekend to do any lawn mowing. What do you do?
Call the neighbor and let them know that your sorry you won't be able to mow their lawn this weekend as you have a lot of homework to do
You are on a bus, a woman gets on the bus and there are no more seats. What do you do?
Get up and offer the woman your seat.
You are watching a YouTube video on your cell phone and your grandmother comes into the room and starts asking you about your day. What do you do?
Turn off your phone and respond to your grandmother's questions.
While you are eating dinner you end up with a bone or some other inedible object in your mouth. What do you do?
Discretely retrieve it with the utensil you are using or your fingers if it is finger food.
You are sitting on the couch snap chatting with some of your friends when your mom welcomes your new elderly neighbor into the house and introduces you. What do you do?
Let your friends know you have to go and stand up to meet your neighbor.
It is important for young people to stand when grandparents or other older people enter the room as a sign of respect.
You get to the door at the same time as someone else. What should you do?
Pull the door open and allow them to enter first while you hold the door.
You (or your brother) are on a mother son date and you go to sit down at the table where you will eat. You should...
Pull the chair out for your mother and help her sit down.
You are in a doctor's office you forgot to turn your cell phone off and it starts to ring. You think it is work calling you about your shift. What do you do with your cell phone?
You turn it off and apologize for not silencing it beforehand. Then call work after your done and explain why you weren't able to answer.
You are at your parents friend's house and you don't like the food that they are serving. What do you do.
A. Try it and if you don't like it spit it out back onto your plate.
B. Tell them you're not hungry, but after dinner make sure to eat lots of the dessert that they have made.
C. Try some of the food and eat a small portion if you are able.
C. Try some of the food and eat a small portion if you are able.
You have had a great time at your friend's party and you are ready to leave. What should you do.
Find your friend and thank him for inviting you and let him/her know you enjoyed it even if you think he/she may be busy with other guests.
Jeremy texts you and invites you to a party. You have other plans and don't really want to go. You don't want to hurt his feelings, so you tell him "maybe" and then afterwards you can just make up some excuse as to why you didn't go. Is that a good plan?
No. If you don't plan on going you should let Jeremy know in a nice way.
You open the door at the church and notice a woman carrying a lot of heavy objects. You should...
Help her carry the objects to where she is taking them.
You are playing your favorite game on your cell phone when your mother reminds you that you should be doing your chores. What do you do?
Stop playing your game immediately and do your chores.
Draw a proper table place setting.
Include : Plate, Fork, Knife, Spoon, Cup, napkin
You receive an invitation to a party that includes the letters "RSVP". It is the same day as the youth temple trip you have been helping to organize. What do you do?
You decide that you should go to the youth temple trip and let the individual that invited you to the party know that you won't be able to go because of prior commitments, but that you would like to do something else with them another time.
Your uncle mailed you a Birthday present. What do you do?
Write him a thank you note or call him and let him know how much you appreciate it.
You go out to eat and everyone receives their food except one person. What should you do?
Wait until everyone has their food before you begin eating
The sacrament talk is about something you find boring what can you do with your cell phone to keep yourself entertained?
Nothing. It is not appropriate to play games on your phone, surf the net or check messages in sacrament meeting or any other meetings at church.
You're eating dinner at your cousins house and you're so hungry. You notice the food is all on the table but your aunt is busy getting things in the kitchen. What should you do?
Ask her how you can help, and wait to sit down to eat until the host has sat down to the table.
You are in a crowded elevator at the back. Is it better to ask the person closest to the control buttons to push the button for your floor or to reach for it yourself.
Best to ask the person closest to the buttons.
As you walk down the side walk you pass a person in a wheelchair. You feel like just looking the other way and pretending you don't notice them or their handicap so that they don't feel bad. What do you do?
Smile or say hello. While it is rude to gawk or stare at someone's handicap, it is also inconsiderate to ignore an individual because of their handicap. Treat them as any other person and be nice.
You notice a grandma struggling to walk down the stairs outside the church building. What should you do?
Offer your arm or shoulder to help stabilize her.