How many levels in a Pathways path?
What does SAA stand for?
When is Halloween?
October 31st
What's a witch's favourite subject at school?
Clubs can earn a Smedley award five new members in August/September.
Why is the award called the Smedley award?
Ralph Smedley was the founder of Toastmasters.
How many Pathways paths are there?
Which club officer cannot serve for more than a year?
What season is Halloween typically associated with?
Why are ghosts bad liars?
Because you can see right through them!
In which year was Manningham Toastmasters chartered?
How many club officers roles are in the exec committee?
Eight: President, VPE, VPM, VPPR, Secretary, Treasurer, SAA, IPP.
How can you tell a vampire has a cold?
It starts coffin!
In which decade was the first Toastmasters meeting held?
1924 to be exact.
Name the newest path in the Pathways program.
Engaging Humor.
What are the educational requirements to be a judge at Area level?
Complete Level 1 and 2 from Pathways, or six speeches from the Competent Communicator.
Which famous magician died on Halloween?
Harry Houdini
How do you fix a cracked pumpkin?
With a pumpkin patch!
What was Manningham Toastmaster's original name?
Doncaster Toastmasters Club.
How many speeches are required to complete Level 1 in Pathways?
Name the current International President of Toastmasters (2020-21).
Richard E. Peck
Name the Celtic festival that Halloween originated from.
What do you call a ghost's true love?
His ghoul-friend!