What is the translation of the term dalalah in English
Define Kulli in English
Meaning denoted through words are of two types
1. Kulli
2. Juz’i
The maḥṣūrāt al-arbaʿah are?
A”, “E”, “I”, and “O”
What is Logic? English or Arabic
Mantiq is a science that enables accurate, clear, and effective thinking
What does smoke signify
What is the following a definition of
ما لا يراد بالجزء منه دلالة على جزء المعنى
What are the Al-Kulliyyāt Al-Khams
Dhati, Aradi, Jins, Naw’, Fasl
Give an example of Qadaya Shakhsiyyah and Qadaya Muhmalah
1. Zayd is a human
2. Humans are good
What are the Four Nisab Bayn Al-Kulliyyan
Tasawi, Tabayun, Umum Mutlaq, Umum Wajhi
How many types of dalālah are there? Which one do we focus on and why?
There are six types of dalālah
We focus on dalālah lafẓiyyah waḍʿiyyah, as it is the most effective way of communicating concepts from one’s mind to another person
Khāṣṣa of animal
What two qualities must a useful definition have
It must be Jami' and Mani'
What are the four types of maḥṣūra propositions
What is the Difference between Tasawar, Tasdiq and Qiyas
Tasawar: concept/term/word
Tasdiq: judgment/proposition/sentence
What is the difference between muṭābaqah, taḍammun, and iltizām? Give an example for each in English and Arabic.
Muṭābaqah is when the word used to express the concept indicates to the concept or thing in its entirety
Taḍammun is when the word used to express the thing indicates to a part of its entity
Iltizām is when something logically bound to the concept is indicated to by the word, Iltizām has no logical limit
Ex. Muṭābaqah: إنسان ← حيوان ناطق / I left the house
Ex. Taḍammun: إنسان ← النطق / I locked the house (door)
Ex. Iltizām: إنسان ← قوة الضحك / I ate Oberweis (not the building/company; you ate their ice cream or other products)
What is the most remote genus of the color black, strength, weakness, speed, and being knowledgable
Arabic definitions of Jins, Naw’ and Fasl
English means half points
الجنس هو كلي يحمل على كثيرين مختلفين بالحقائق في جواب ما هو
النوع هو كلي يحمل على كثيرين متفقين بل بالحقائق في جواب ما هو
الفصل هو كلي يحمل على شيء في جوابي أي شيء هو في ذاته
Give a materially valid example of a O proposition that cannot be reformulated into an E proposition.
Teacher will check
What are the four stages of the history of logic
Stage one: transmission and translation
Stage two: Aristotles logic
Stage three: Moving away from Aristotels
Stage four : glosses and super commentaries
Give two examples of dalalah ghayr lafziyaa waḍʿiyya that are not in the book.
Give an example of an ʿaraḍ ʿāmm that is specific to reptiles, birds, birds, insects, platypus, and fish.
Laying eggs
Example in Arabic for Rasm Tāmm and Rasm Nāqis
Tāmm: حيوان ذو ضحك
Nāqis: ضحك / ذو ضحك / الماشي النائم
Which categorical proposition is the most beneficial and why.
What is the book written by Maulana Yusuf
Minhaj Al-Mantiq: A Primer to Classical Logic