Madea is a tough, street-smart, Black woman created and portrayed by this actor.
Who is Tyler Perry?
Medea is about Medea's quest for revenge against her husband Jason, who committed this crime against her.
He cheated on her!
Sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok make up this form of Media.
What is social media?
This math term is a synonym for average.
What is mean?
This is Madea's first film appearance.
What is Diary of a Mad Black Woman?
In her quest for revenge, Medea kills a princess, a king, and these two people.
Netflix changed the game when it pivoted to streaming from this original form of rental business.
What are mail-in rentals?
The act of clearing your mind, either through breath, mantra, or other exercises.
What is meditation?
Canonically, Madea has this many (dead) husbands.
What is 9?
Medea kills the princess Glauce (and her King Dad) through cursing this object to melt off her flesh.
What is a tiara?
The Jazz Singer changed movies forever when released in 1927 as the first film to use this component.
What is sound?
This type of drug can be gotten from the pharmacy without a perscription.
What are over the counter medications?
This film is the first (and only) direct sequel to another Madea film.
What is Boo 2! A Madea Halloween?
Medea ends with either Medea flying away on a dragon or a holy chariot. In reality, she was lifted up by a pulley system, an example of this Greek theatre technique translated as "God from Machine."
What is Deus Ex Machina?
This important feat of science and spacecraft was televised live in America on July 21, 1969.
What is the first moonwalk?
Diane Warren has been nominated for 16 Oscars, winning 0. Each nomination is for this, less famous, category.
What is 'Best Original Song?'
This is Madea's full name.
Who is Mabel "Madea" Earlene Simmons?
Medea won favor with Jason by helping him on his quest to get this magical object.
What is the Golden Fleece?
Media is the plural noun form of this singular noun.
What is medium?
Many treaties and peace agreements have been brokered at this US site in Maryland.
What is Camp David?
What are ghosts, spirits, the other side, etc?