
This person is your closest advocate in your legal proceedings. It is encouraged that you talk to them often.

Who is my attorney?


This is an important interview with a psychologist at Oregon State Hospital to determine if you are able to understand the legal processes required for your trial.

What is my evaluation?


This is something presented to the court that makes a point about the defendant being guilty or not guilty.

What is evidence? 


A crime that fits into the more serious of the two categories of crimes is called this.

What is a felony?


This person is the boss of the courtroom. They control how the proceedings go and they are who everyone answers to.

Who is the judge?


The lawyer overseeing your case is called a "this" attorney. Rather than prosecute someone for their charges, they help you manage the charges brought against you.

What is defense?


During your evaluation, you will be expected to know these: a list of things of which you are being accused.

What are my charges?


This is the four letter phrase for the type of facility that Manzanita Ridge is.

What is SRTF (secure residential treatment facility)?


You are allowed to return to court with symptoms, so long as they do not do this during your trial.

What is interfere/disrupt?


When referring to the judge directly, it is best to address them as "Your Honor." This similar two word phrase is used when the bailiff is introducing the judge, for example.

What is "The Honorable?"


This is your attorney's name.

Who is [name]? 

(If you aren't familiar with your attorney, please get to know them as soon as possible!)


Your evaluation is on this important date.

When is [date]?

(If you have one scheduled, please familiarize yourself with when it is!)


This is what it is called when the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge in order to reduce the greater consequences of the original charge.

What is a plea bargain?


The hospital is what's known as this, a group that does not take a specific side in your case, and instead provides evaluation and treatment.

What is a neutral party?


Your time in jail, in the Oregon State Hospital, and in a secure facility like Manzanita can be totaled into time this, and it can be subtracted from your sentence.

What is time served?


When speaking to the district attorney, this is something you should always do before.

What is speak to my own attorney?


These are two key elements of your physical presentation at your evaluation that can impact how it goes.

What are my clothes and my hygiene?


This is the supervised release of a person convicted of a crime on the promise of following all of the specified conditions determined during sentencing. If these rules/conditions are not followed the person could be sent to jail.

What is probation?


This is the sum of money that a defendant may have to pay to the court.

What is a fine?


Using one of your five senses, this is what you should be doing the most in court, whether it is to your attorney, the judge, or any other important member of the trial.

What is listen?


This is the best person to speak to regarding any questions about your case. They are here to help you find the best possible outcome of your trial.

Who is my attorney?


Your evaluation determines if you are able to "this," a three-word phrase that means you understand the legal system and can participate in your trial.

  What is "aid and assist?"


These three numbers are associated with the specific law that allows a judge to deem you unable to participate in your trial.

What are 370? (161.370)


This defense is used when the defendant is saying that they did the crime but their mental illness was a significant factor in committing the act, and it prevented them from properly understanding the laws.

What is Guilty Except Insanity (GEI)?


If someone moves or speaks in a courtroom when it is not their turn, they could be found to be this, a phrase that means disrespect for the proceedings of the trial.

What is contempt of court?