This is the word for when one family rules over a country or region for an extended period. There were 13 major ones in China between 2070 BC and 1912 AD.
What is a dynasty?
Revolution in this country in 1917 inspired the creation of the Communist Party of China.
What is Russia?
This is the name of Mao's ideology.
What is Maoism?
Mao encouraged peasants to speak out against these people during the "Speak Bitterness" Campaign.
Who are landlords?
The failures of The Great Leap Forward resulted in this event, which killed an estimated 30 to 50 million people.
What is famine?
Wars fought over this drug during the 19th century resulted in the creation of unequal treaties that hurt China.
Mao first encountered Marxist-Leninist ideas here.
What is Peking University?
This is the name of the over 6,000-mile trek that Mao made to Yan'an in the early 1930s.
What is The Long March?
Participation in this war helped Mao prove that China was able to fight against the United States.
What is the Korean War?
Mao launched this movement in response to criticism spoken as a result of the Hundred Flowers Campaign.
What is the Anti-Rightist Movement?
This phrase refers to the period from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century during which China experienced a series of foreign invasions, territorial losses, and unequal treaties with Western powers and Japan.
What is the "Century of Humiliation?"
He was the leader of the GMD (KMT).
Who was Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-Shek)?
This event led to a break in the Chinese Civil War/ the formation of the Second United Front.
What is the Second-Sino Japanese War (1937-1945)?
This law declared that China was "a democratic dictatorship."
What is the Organic Law of 1949?
This is why Mao first conflicted with Nikita Khruschev, Stalin's successor.
What is he was offended by Khrushchev's “Secret Speech?”
These people capitalized on the weak governmental structure in China in the aftermath of the fall of the Qing dynasty to consolidate power for themselves.
Who were the warlords?
In 1927, this uprising against GMD authority failed but encouraged Mao to engage in guerilla warfare in the future.
What is the Autumn Harvest Uprising?
This is the name of Mao's army, which won the Chinese Civil War.
What is the People's Liberation Army?
This is one example of a law Mao passed to help women.
Ex: What is the Marriage Reform Law of 1950?
This is the estimated number of people who died during the Cultural Revolution, although some historians claim this is a gross underestimation.
What is 500,000?
This student movement, which emerged in Bejing in 1919, criticized the Chinese government's weak response to the Treaty of Versailles and inspired Mao to engage in anti-government activism.
What is the May Fourth Movement?
This is why the First United Front failed.
This is an example of a pamphlet Mao produced during his decade in Yan'an.
What is "On New Democracy?"
Mao launched these reform movements to rid Chinese cities of corruption and enemies of the state.
What were the three-anti and five-anti campaigns?
This is the name of the river in which Mao completed his iconic swim in 1966.
What is the Yangtze River?