Text Structure
Main Idea
Figurative Language
MAP Testing

Define the text structure: compare and contrast, give a hint on how to identify it in a passage.

What is:

Similarities and differences between two or more objects. 

Look for words/ phrases like: similar, different, have in common, different from, like, unlike, etc. 


Define theme

What is:

The central message of the story or passage. (Also known as a teachable concept or moment.)


Define main idea

What is:

The author's message about the topic. 


Name the type of figurative language:

"I blew my test out of the water!"

What is


Hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration that emphasizes a point.


True or False:

It is important to get plenty of sleep and rest your mind after school during testing.

What is 


Sleep keeps our minds and bodies fresh and energized. We can't do our best if we are running on fumes. After school, play your games, get outside, exercise, hang with friends, and try your hardest to get to bed early. This means not staying on your phone, playing video games, or even studying far past the time you need to be asleep. 


Define the text structure: cause and effect, and give a hint on how to identify it in a passage.

What is:

The text shares information about an event and what caused it to occur.

Hint: look for words/phrases such as: next, then, because, due to, cause, effect, etc.


Name 3 common themes of stories for your age group.

What is:  

Friendship is a gift.

Having self-confidence is important.

If you see something, say something (referring to bullying, danger, etc.)

(These are not the only ones)


True or False:

Main idea can be expressed directly or implied.

What is:



What type of figurative language is this:

"She is a human computer."

What is:


A metaphor is an implied comparison.


True or False:

Eating breakfast is not important during testing. 

Explain your answer.

What is 


Make sure to eat a delicious breakfast every day! There is nothing worse than being hungry and distracted while testing. We will have snacks as well, but breakfast is so very important!


Define the text structure: sequence, and give a hint on how to identify it in a passage.

What is:

The text is written in a chronological order.

Hint: Look for words like first, second, then, lastly, after that, etc.


Name ways that you can find theme in a story or passage

What is:

Identify the parts of plot

Summarize the story

Ask yourself, "What is the author trying to teach me?"


Name a strategy to find main idea of a story or passage.

What is:

Look at the first and last sentences

Look for repeating ideas or terms

Summarize the passage in your own words

Look at the title

Explore the main character and/or problem/solution


What type of figurative language is this:

"The sun played hide and seek with the clouds."

What is:


It gives human characteristics to inanimate objects, animals, or ideas. It is often used in poetry, fiction, and children's rhymes. 


Yes or No:

We can be as loud as we want in the hallways, especially during testing. 

Explain your answer.

What is 


When in the hallways, you need to make sure you are not talking at all! These tests are important and the majority of classrooms will be testing. Please be respectful.


Define the text structure: problem and solution, and give a hint on how to identify it in a passage.

What is:

The text includes information about a problem and how it is solved.

Hint: Look for words like problem, solution, the issue is, resolved, etc.


Name the theme in this passage:

Have you ever given up on something because it was hard? More importantly, have you ever kept trying to accomplish something because it was hard? How did you feel after either scenario? Some of the items that we use every day were invented after years of failed attempts, but thankfully those men and women never gave up and made their ideas come to life.

What is:

Try, try again.

Never give up on your dreams.

Success isn't easy.

(or something along those lines.)


State the main idea of this passage:

Have you ever given up on something because it was hard? More importantly, have you ever kept trying to accomplish something because it was hard? How did you feel after either scenario? Some of the items that we use every day were invented after years of failed attempts, but thankfully those men and women never gave up and made their ideas come to life.

What is:



What type of figurative language is this:

"He was as cunning as a snake."

What is:


A simile compares two things using "like" or "as"


Correct or Incorrect:

It is important that I take my time and read the directions carefully.

Explain your answer.

What is correct!

Please, please, please make sure you are reading the directions very carefully. This is where the majority of you lose points. If it says underline, don't circle it, underline it. If it says, "check all that apply," go through each option slowly and mindfully. Also, just because someone in the room finishes, that doesn't mean that you have to rush. It is not a race. Stay focused and go slow.


Identify the text structure:

The Williams sisters, Serena and Venus, are both great tennis players. Of the two, Venus is older by about 15 months. However, Serena has won more matches than Venus. As of January 2017, they'd played 28 official matches head-to-head.

What is:

Compare and Contrast

Even though you have not finished Words on Fire, what do you believe the theme of the book is?

What is:

How can we know who we are, if we don't know who we were?

Books are our most precious possessions.

Books, reading, and writing are keys to our culture.


What is the big difference between main idea and theme?

What is:

Main idea - what is being discussed or written about.

Example: On going bullying can cause mental health issues in victims if not stopped early on. 

Theme - The central message. (A teachable moment.)

Example: Be a voice to those who have lost theirs.


What type of figurative language is used when we say,

"The flag represents freedom."

What is:


Symbolism occurs when a word has its own meaning but is used to represent something entirely different.


True or False:

I am going to rock this test!!!!!


What is:

TRUE!!! (at least that is what I hope you said!)

Remember that Mrs. Vance and all your teachers believe in you. You know this stuff!!! We will only be disappointed if you don't try your very best! 
