It is this far from Mount Zion to the City of David.
What is 750 yards?
The T in TODALS stands for this.
What is Title?
This type of map shows the boundaries of states and countries.
What is a political map?
The latitude and longitude of D is this.
What is 65o N, 10o W?
This is how you determine directions on a map.
What is a compass rose?
It is this far from Damascus Gate to Mount Zion.
What is 1500 yards?
The O in TODALS stand for this.
What is Orientation?
The directions of north, south, east, and west are called this.
What are cardinal directions?
The latitude and longitude of H is this.
What is 25o S, 140o E?
The directions of northeast, northwest, southwest, and southeast are referred to as this.
What are intermediate directions?
It is this far from Mount Zion to the Western Wall.
What is 1125 yards
The D in TODALS stand for this.
What is Date?
This is the longest of the parallel lines on a map.
What is the equator?
The latitude and longitude of C is this.
What is 10o S, 50o W?
This type of map shows rivers, mountains and lakes in an area.
What is a physical map?
It is this far from The Garden Tomb to The Dome of the Rock.
What is 1000 yards?
The A in TODALS stand for this.
What is Author?
A mapmaker is called this.
What is a cartographer?
The latitude and longitude of B is this.
What is 50o N, 65o W?
This type of map distorts things near the poles making Greenland appear the size of Africa.
What is the Mercator Projection?
It is this far from Mount Zion to the Dome of the Rock.
1325 yards?
The L in TODALS stand for this.
What is Legend?
This imaginary line runs through Greenwich, England.
What is the prime meridian?
The latitude and longitude of F is this.
What is 35o N, 100o E?
The S in TODALS stand for this.
What is Scale?