Imaginary lines that determine how far north or south a location is from the center of Earth
What is latitude [lines]?
A map projection made by projecting points and lines from a globe into a cone
What is a conic projection? [can accept just conic]
The height of a location above sea level
What is elevation?
A map used to determine changes in height above sea level
What is a topographic map?
A type of technology in mapping in which 3 or 4 satellites simultaneously send signals to determine a precise location
What is GPS?
What is the equator?
A map projection composed of parallel lines of both latitude and longitude
What is a Mercator projection? [can accept just Mercator]
Lines on a topographic map that show areas of equal height
What are contour lines?
[Daily Double] A series of symbols on the side of a map representing different features
What is a [map] legend? [cannot accept key]
A type of technology in mapping in which satellites use heat from the Earth and wavelength frequencies to create an image of Earth's surface
What is landsat?
What is the Prime Meridian?
A map projection that accurately shows the correct shapes of land masses, but becomes more distorted near the poles
What is a Mercator projection? [can accept just Mercator]
A line on a topographic map that has been labeled with a number
What is an index contour?
The most common type of map scale
What is a graphic [map scale]?
A type of technology in mapping in which satellites send high-frequency signals to the ocean floor in order to create very precise maps of the seafloor
What is TOPEX/Poseidon? [can accept either response]
An imaginary line of longitude located at the maximum of 180 degrees east/west
What is the International Date Line?
A map projection made by projecting points and lines onto a single point
What is a gnomonic projection? [can accept just gnomonic]
[Daily Double] The numerical difference between two consecutive lines on a topographic map
What is a contour interval?
A map that shows how types of rocks are distributed and arranged below the surface
What is a geologic map?
A type of technology in mapping in which ships use sound waves (like sonar) to create a map of the ocean floor
What is sea beam?
The amount of kilometers on Earth's surface that are equal to 1 degree of latitude
What is 111?
A map projection that correctly shows the straightest route from one point to another
What is a gnomonic projection? [can accept just gnomonic]
Small hash marks on a topographic map that indicate a decrease in height between two lines, typically because of the presence of a crater.
What are hachures?
The type of map scale that represents distance as a ratio
What is a fractional [map scale]?
A type of technology in mapping in which multiple maps are combined to form a single, layered map
What is GIS? [can accept Geographic Information System]