A globe shows large bodies of land called --- ?
A ---- is a model of the Earth.
This map shows things that people need like fish, oil and wood.
resource map, political map, climate map, population map, physical map
resource map
What is the hemisphere that is to the top of the globe/Earth?
Northern Hemisphere
What are the 4 main directions on the compass rose?
North, East, South, West
A ---- is a small drawing on a map that shows directions.
compass rose
Earth has 5 large bodies of water called -----.
This map shows the average weather patterns over a period of time.
resource map, political map, climate map, population map, physical map
climate map
What is the hemisphere that is to the bottom of the globe/Earth?
Southern Hemisphere
What are the in-between directions on a compass rose?
Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest
Half a globe or a sphere is called a ---- ?
Something that stands for something else on a map is called a ------.
map symbol
A map that shows natural features of Earth.
resource map, political map, climate map, population map, physical map
physical map
What is the hemisphere that is to the left of the globe/Earth?
Western Hemisphere
What saying can you use to remember the directions?
Never Eat Sour Worms
Never Eat Soggy Waffles
The main directions (N, E, S, W) are called ---- ?
Cardinal directions
The ---- is an imaginary line that lies halfway (horizontally between the North & South Pole.
A map that shows how many people live in an area.
resource map, political map, climate map, population map, physical map
population map
What is the hemisphere that is to the right of the globe/Earth?
Eastern Hemisphere
What is the total number of directions on the compass rose that we use in class?
The in-between directions (NE, SE, SW, NW) are called --- ?
intermediate directions
What is the imaginary line (not equator) that splits the Earth into the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere going vertically?
prime meridian
A map that shows information such as cities, capitals, states and countries including boundaries.
resource map, political map, climate map, population map, physical map
political map
What are the two hemispheres that you live in being on the continent of North America?
Northern Hemisphere & Western Hemisphere
Draw a compass rose with the cardinal and intermediate directions.
You did it!