Go for Gold
Overall Standings
New Records

The team who broke a medal-less streak extending back almost 1 and a half Marble Leagues (participated in), plus the WMLS21 to earn 4 medals this Marble League

Who are the Green Ducks?


The team who dropped 2 spots in the final event to miss out on the overall podium

Who are the Hazers?

The total number of new records set in Marble League 2021 and ML21 Showdown

What is 5?


The total number of previous overall podium finishers to participate in the Showdown

What is 2?


The marble who pushed Rojo Tres off the course during the Triathlon, resulting in a penalty for this marble

Who is Blue Eye?


The only team to win gold at every rendition of this event (name team and event)

Who are the Minty Maniacs?
What is Marblocross/Marble Marathon?


The team who would have been approximately top 3 in the overall standings after being outside the top half had they not had an incident on the conveyor belt

Who are the Green Ducks?


The event record that got broke 4 times during the Marble League, plus once during the Showdown

What is the 5M Sprint record?


The team that missed out on qualifying for 2 Marble Leagues straight by 2 points or less

Who are the Jungle Jumpers?


A point was taken away from this team and given to the Savage Speeders as a result of a timing and scoring miscalculation during the Steeplechase

Who are the Gliding Glaciers?


The only 2 teams to earn more than 4 medals this Marble League

Who are Mellow Yellow and the Hazers?


The team who only got 1 medal but still finished in the top half of the standings

Who are the Thunderbolts?


The total number of times a record got reset during Marble League 2021 and ML21 Showdown

What is 8?


The 4 teams who has never qualified for a Marble League using the qualification system (name 3)

Who are the Kobalts, Turtle Sliders, Solar Flares, and Snowballs?


The team who had the worst sync of all the teams to participate in Diving, but still finished on the podium

Who are the Hazers?


The event that all 2019 overall podium finishers finished on the podium once more 

What is Balancing?


Total number of overall gained spots as a result of Event 16

What is 13?


The oldest record to be broke during Marble League 2021

What is the Diving Record (previously held by the Purple Rockets, set in 2014)?

The number of teams who were within 10 points of finishing on the Showdown podium

What is 5?


The number of double extra-times that Event 15, Football, went to

What is 6?


The previous rendition of the Marble League whose overall podium finishers earned the least amount of medals (note that the overall podium finishers may not necessarily have qualified for ML21)

What is Marble League 2018 (2 total)?


The previous Marble League that all of the overall podium finishers finished in the bottom half of the 2021 overall standings (not counting teams who didn't qualify)

What is 2020?

The total number of thousandths knocked off the 5 Meter Sprint record during Marble League 2021 and the ML21 Showdown (get within 30 thousandths)

What is 184?


The 4 teams who would have been relegated to the ML22 Showdown had the previous relegation system been in place (name 3)

Who are the Midnight Wisps, Balls of Chaos, Oceanics, and Solar Flares?


The total number of marbles who finished the Balancing course out of 64 participating marbles

What is 6?
