Definitions of Health and Wellbeing
Dimensions of Health
Examples of the Dimensions of Health
Health is Dynamic, Complex and Subjective
Interrelationships between health and wellbeing

The 5 dimensions of Health.

What is PEMSS - Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social and Spiritual?


Relates to the ability to express feelings in a positive way.

What is Emotional Health and Wellbeing?


2 examples of Spiritual Health and Wellbeing.

What is...

•A sense of belonging

•Experiences peace and harmony

•Act according to values and beliefs

•Having a positive sense of meaning and purpose in life


The meaning of dynamic. How is health dynamic? (example)

What is...

• Always changing

• Our health is constantly changing and varies over time (Health continuum) 

• For example: Being well one day and being ill the next


To achieve overall health and wellbeing we need a combination of how many dimensions of health?

What is all 5 dimensions?


Optimal health refers to

What is the best or most effective in a particular situation?


Relates to the functioning of the body and its systems, it includes the physical capacity to perform daily activities or tasks.

What is Physical Health and Wellbeing?


2 examples of Mental Health and Wellbeing.

What is...

• Low levels of stress and anxiety

• Positive self esteem

• High levels of confidence

• Positive thought patterns

• From opinions make decisions and use logic


The meaning of complex. How is health complex? (example)

What is...

• There are a number of factors that influence health 

• e.g., Lifestyle, Environmental, Financial, cultural


How does a nutritious diet influence health and wellbeing?

Nutritious Diet:

(responses may vary)

Physical - helps maintain ideal body weight, decrease risk of illness and disease, increase energy levels, improve fitness and functioning of body systems.

Emotional - helps in regulating/managing our emotions

Mental - increase self esteem and confidence, decrease stress levels

Social - increase time spent with friends/family, improving communication and creating/enhancing productive relationships (eat with others)

Spiritual - sense of belonging and sense of purpose


The limitation of the WHO's (1946) definition of health.

What is the word complete, as complete health in any dimension is difficult to attain?


The current state of well-being relating to the mind or brain and it relates to the ability to think and process information.

What is Mental Health and Wellbeing?


2 examples of Emotional Health and Wellbeing.

What is...

•Recognise and understand a range of emotions.

•Effectively respond to and manage emotions.

•High levels of resilience.


The meaning of subjective. How is health subjective? (example)

What is...

• People have different perceptions of health (How we view it) 

• It means different things to different people. 

• e.g., A person with chronic disease may experience good health and wellbeing if their condition is being managed. An alderly person may voew their health as wellbeing as good if they can live independently and look after themselves.


How does regular exercise influence the 5 dimensions of health and wellbeing?

Regular exercise:

(responses may vary)

Physical - helps maintain ideal body weight, decrease risk of illness and disease, increase energy levels, improve fitness and functioning of body systems.

Emotional - helps in regulating/managing our emotions

Mental - increase self esteem and confidence, decrease stress levels

Social - increase time spent with friends, improving communication and creating/enhancing productive relationships

Spiritual - sense of belonging and sense of purpose


The WHO (1946) definition of health and wellbeing?

What is ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity’?


Relates to the ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others and the ability to manage or adapt appropriately to different social situations.

What is Social Health and Wellbeing?


3 Examples of Physical Health and Wellbeing?

What is...

•Ideal body weight

•Freedom from illness, disease and injury

•Energy Levels

•Ability to complete physical tasks eg, work, chores, physical activities

•Appropriate levels of fitness

•Strong Immune system

•Well-functioning body systems and organs


What are 3 factors that can influence health and wellbeing?

What is... Regular exercise, realistic and achievable goals, healthy self-esteem, sufficient sleep, fun hobbies and leisure pursuits, optimistic outlook, sense of purpose and meaning, a sense of belonging, the ability to adapt to change, living in a fair and democratic society, nutritious diet, enough money, spiritual religious beliefs, network of close friends, enjoyable and fulfilling career, happy intimate relationship with a partner. 

The interrelationships between physical health and wellbeing and social health and wellbeing when an individual has a sporting injury.

What is...

Having a sporting injury such as a broken hand means that you are not free from illness and injury (physical health and wellbeing). Time spent recovering from this injury may limit the amount of time spent socialising with friendship groups, which can negatively impact our relationships (social health and wellbeing). Not playing and training also means that our fitness levels may decline due to a lack of exercise.


The missing words from the 1986 definition of health. ‘The state of a persons p_________, s__________, e__________, m__________ and s_________ existence and is characterised by an e_____________ in which a person feels h___________, h___________, c____________ and e_____________.’

What is physical, social, emotional, mental, spiritual, equilibrium, happy, healthy, capable and engaged?


Relates to ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the minds and conscience of human beings.

What is Spiritual Health and Wellbeing?


3 examples of Social Health and Wellbeing.

What is...

•A supportive network of friends

•A supportive and well functioning family

•Productive relationships with others

•Effective communication with others


Describe how Beau Vernon's health was dynamic/complex/subjective?

What is...
(Responses will vary)


The interrelationships between physical health and wellbeing, social health and wellbeing and mental health and wellbeing when an individual has a sporting injury.

Having a sporting injury such as a broken foot means that you are not free from illness and injury (physical health and wellbeing). Time spent recovering from this injury may limit the amount of time spent socialising with friendship groups, which can negatively impact our relationships (social health and wellbeing). This can make you stressed (mental health and wellbeing), therefore, decreasing your energy to participate in physical activity (physical health and wellbeing).
