The Unangan/Aleut culture stretches back at least _____ years.
Lingit clans are broken into _____which trace descent to a common human ancestor.
T/F The Russians were in good health when they arrived in the Aleutians.
Haida communities in Alaska include _____ and _____.
Kasaan, Hydaburg
The Tlingit term at.óow means _____.
The curves on Aquilina Lestenkof's facial tattoo represent_____.
Lingit peoples often introduce themselves by identifying their moiety, clan and _____.
Russian trappers and traders were called _____ (Russian term).
In the late 1880s Tsimshian people relocated to _____ on _____ in Alaska.
New Metlakatla, Annette Island
The Unangan language has at least ___ dialects.
Unangan/Aleut technological adaptations include (name one):
Haida moieties are _____ and _____.
Raven and Eagle
According the Larry Merculieff (People of the Seal), Unangan/Aleut people were treated more civilly if they joined the _________.
Russian Orthodox Church
Pribilof Island communities include _____ and _____.
St. Paul, St. George
The Unangan name for Aleut language is _____.
Unangam Tunuu
Alaska Native potlatch traditions are an example of a _____ economy.
Name the Tsimshian phratries:
Killerwhale/Blackfish, Wolf, Raven, Eagle
Commercial harvest of fur seals was impacted in the 1980s by _____.
animal rights groups
Pribilof Island Unangan peoples were relocated during WWII to _____ (a former cannery site in Southeast Alaska).
Funter Bay
The Lingit term Yéil means _____.
The circles on Aquilina Lestenkof's facial tattoo represent__________.
five generations of her family that lived on Unangan islands.
For Lingit people, political organization rests at the _____ level.
Why were Unangan/Aleuts considered elite peoples prior to the American period?
They were educated, literate, held positions as priests, teachers, store managers, and deacons.
In southeast Alaska, Russians established forts at _____ and _____.
Sitka, Yakutat
The Lingit term Ch'áak means _____.