What Catholic holiday does St.Patrick’s Day happen during?
What is the tiny elf from Irish folklore that LOVES gold coins, shamrocks, rainbows, and anything green?
A Leprechaun
Which US city has dyed its river green since 1926 in honor of St. Patrick’s Day?
What is the capital of Ireland?
Where was the real St. Patrick presumably born?
What three colors are on the Irish flag?
Orange, green, and white
Where does the biggest St. Patrick’s Day parade take place?
New York City
How do leprechauns earn their gold?
Making and mending shoes.
Why is St. Patrick’s Day celebrated on March 17th?
This is the anniversary of St. Patrick’s death
Where do leprechauns come from?
Celtic folklore
What is the traditional main dish served at many St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in America?
Corned beef and cabbage
According to Irish lore, what animal did St. Patrick drive out of Ireland?
What did St. Patrick use to preach about the Holy Trinity? (hint: this is a key symbol of St. Patrick's Day)
A shamrock
What other name is St. Patrick's Day known as?
The Feast of St. Patrick
Where did the tradition of pinching people for not wearing green on St. Patrick's Day come from?
This American tradition came from the belief that wearing green makes you invisible to leprechauns.
What's the highest number of leaves ever recorded on a single clover stem?
St. Patrick’s true color was not green. What was it?
What was St. Patrick's Day originally meant to celebrate?
It was a day honoring Saint Patrick for introducing Christianity to Ireland in the fifth century.
According to Hallmark, how many Americans exchange St. Patrick's Day cards each year?
12 million
How many leprechauns are believed to still be living in the mountains of Ireland?