Bon Jovi
On March 3rd, 1931, a song written by Francis Scott Key was officially named the US national anthem. What was it?
The star Spangled Banner
Daylight savings time starts at this time of the day because it's considered the least disruptive time for travel and daily schedules. When the US first experimented with this, they found out very few trains departed from major cities at this time, which minimized disruption.
Adam Sandler
Celine Dion
On March 15th, 1965, this American restaurant chain opened its first restaurant, focusing on American cuisine and casual dining. Alan Stillman created the first one in Manhattan when he hoped opening a bar time place can help him meet woman.
TGI Fridays
Daylight savings time was first introduced to this European country, specifically during World war I in 1916. It was implemented as a way to conserve energy by utilizing more daylight hours during the war effort. United States quickly adopted this after this country.
Conan O'Brien
Reese Witherspoon
On March 30th, 1867, US buys this territory from Russia for 7.2 million dollars. It officially became a state in 1959 and is home to more than half of the world's ice glaciers.
A common myth states that daylight savings time was adopted to benefit this industry, but it's more the opposite as these individuals hate it. They say it ruins their schedule, rushing crops to the market, regardless of the time. The time change can also affect animals involved, being difficult to manage the schedule of hired workers. What industry is this?
Quentin Tarantino
On March 1st, 1892, President Ulysses S. Grant and the US congress signed a protection act into law allowing this area to be the world's first national park, and US's first ever national park. It covers about 3,400 square miles, which is bigger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined.
Yellowstone national park
They say Benjamin Franklin proposed the idea of Daylight Savings day, but it was this president in 1918 that officially made it into law. Who was the president that did this?
Woodrow Wilson
Zoe Saldana
Dane Cook
On March 8th, 1817, this was created in the heart of New York City, offering individuals and entrepreneurs the opportunity to raise capital and change the world. It is still home to many companies committed to responsible development of global marketing.
The New York Stock Exchange
Places like Puerto Rico, Guam and the US Virgin Islands are some places in the United States that do not observe Daylight savings time. This also includes two western states that don't follow this change. What two states is this?
Arizona and Hawaii
Kieran Culkin