No Dieting
p. 13
Be Kind to Yourself
p. 18
Chaos into Beauty
p. 21
Can You Lengthen Your Life?
p. 26
Unwind Your Mind
p. 48


The number of years Julie Dube's weight in TOPS went up and down like a roller coaster.


It's about taking intentional steps to nuture the body you call home so you can get the most out of life and do what brings you the most joy.

What is being kind to your body?


Jodi Stolove, MS found comfort and joy doing this activity during the CoVid shut down.

What is doing jigsaw puzzles?


Solid evidence shows that the best way to boost the chance of living a long and active life is to follow the advice you most likely hear from whom?

Eat well, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and stay away from bad habits. 

Who are your parents? 


Being able to fully unwind and relax can be difficult. It is possible to stay ahead of stressful situation by transforming relaxation practices into these.

What are routines?


When Julie's weight peaked at 340, she became determined to do this in order to reach her goal weight of 170 pounds.

What is change her lifestyle?


*******Daily Double******

According to this organization, an astonishing 65% of adults who aare dissatisfied with their sleep experience mild or grater levels of depressive symptoms. 

What is the National Sleep Foundation?


Jodi found that doing the puzzles created these changes in her brain that helped to create an amazing therapeutic trance-like state.

What are neuro-chemical changes?


While average U.S. life expectancy is 79, according to the director of the National Institute on Aging, if you make to 65, the likelihood that you'll make it to this age is very high.

What is 85? 

If you make it to 85, the chance that you will make it to 92 is very high.


A breathing technique which involves breathing in for four seconds, holding the breath for seven seconds, and exhaling for eight seconds.

What is 4-7-8 breathing?


Julie's first step was to "tuck away" her major goal of losing 170 pounds. In doing so, she found these incredibly rewarding. 

What are small victories?


Regardless of age or fitness level, this may help alleviate stiffness and slowly enhance flexibility.

What is a regular stretching routine?


Look at things anew by the light of day.

Change your perspective to unlock a solution.

Consider other options- out of the box thinking.

Every piece has its place. 

Sometimes you just need to take a break.

Enjoy small accomplishments.

What are metaphors and life lessons to be gained from doing jigsaw puzzles. 


A long-term study of this religious group shows that they tend to remain healthier into old age.

Who are the Seventh-day Adventists?

Behavior includes regular exercise, vegetarian diet, avoiding tobacco and alcohol, and maintaining a healthy weight. 

Numerous studies have established a link between this and the amount of time it takes someone to fall asleep.

What is using devices with screens before bed?


Julie's second step was meal planning, followed by this change.

What is portion control?


If you don't want to count calories or stick to a specific plan or menu, you might focus on this instead.

What is eating all the colors, or choosing more colorful food options. 


Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma.

What are the five different types of brain waves. 


According to Dr. Luigi Ferrucci, an NIH geriatrician, this is the most important thing associated with living longer and healthier. 

What is regular exercise?


There are many apps that can talk you through exactly how to do this relaxation practice.

What is meditation?


After adding journaling, exercise, and increasing her water intake, Julie reached her goal in 2021. She declares that she fought like a gladiator in the arenas of ancient Rome. She would win some fights and lose more, but with every misstep, she learned this.

What is something about herself?


The article encourages us to speak kindly to ourselves by recognizing the words we choose to say to ourselves and then make an intentional effort to do this. 

What is reframe the conversation?


Theoretically, the brain should spend most of its wakeful time using these.

What are Alpha waves?


********Daily Double********

One NIH-funded study discovered that adults between the ages of 70 and 80 who were in a structured exercise program had less chance of this concern for seniors. 

What is less disability? 


This practice often tied to bedtime has numerous benefits, including the ability to improve our happiness, physical health, emotional health, relationships and even career.

What is cultivating gratitude?
