Women's History Month
Women in Government
Women in Art/Sports
Notable Women Nobel Laureates
March Celebrations

The year that the record number of women were elected to public office in the United States.

What is 2020?


The first state to elect all women of color to its House Delegation.

What is New Mexico?


In 1981, at the age of 21, Maya Lin won a competition to design what Washington DC landmark.

What is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?


This Spanish American was one of the best-known Latin American poets of her time.

Who was Gabriela Mistral?


Matzah, horseradish, parsley, and wine are some common dishes you might eat at this traditional Passover dinner.

What is Seder?


The year congress passed the Public Law 100-9, declaring the entire month of March Women's History Month.

When is 1987?


In March, Deb Haaland was confirmed to this position and became the first Native American Cabinet secretary in U.S. history

What is Secretary of the Interior?


Katie Sowers became the first woman and openly gay person to coach in the Super Bowl in 2020 for this team.

What is the San Francisco 49ers?

These two scientists pioneered a revolutionary gene-editing technology.

Who are Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier?


In Holi, the Festival of Colors, each color has symbolic meaning.  For instance the color red symbolizes this emotion.

What is love?


She lobbied for the creation of Women's History Week, which was declared by President Jimmy Carter in 1980.

Who is Gerda Lerner?


Only two years after the passage of this amendment -giving women the right to vote - Soledad C. Chacón was elected to Secretary of State of New Mexico.  

What is the 19th amendment?


Maia Chaka is the second woman and first black woman to be an on-field official in this sports league.

What is the NFL?


In 1945 author Gabriela Mistral won this award for her poetry, a first for a Latin American author.

What is the Nobel Prize for Literature?


To include women in the Passover Seder, some now include a cup of water for this person at Passover to honor her role in ensuring the survival of the Jewish people.    

Who is Miriam?


This project was founded in 1980 in Santa Rosa, CA to broadcast women's historical achievements.

What is the National Women's History Project (NWHP)?


Dr. Rachel Levine is first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed on March 24 to this cabinet department.

What is Department of Health and Human Services?


This Japanese-American artist is known for her crocheted wire sculptures.

Who is Ruth Asawa?


The discovery of this game-changing gene editing technique won Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

What is CRISPR?


This staple St. Patrick's day dish became iconic in America due to the close Irish/Jewish connection in NYC in the 1800s.

What is corned beef?


A recent survey found that artists in 18 prominent art museums were what percentage male?

What is 87%


Out of 193 Countries, the US ranks in what place for its percentage of female representation in government?

What is 75th Place


Ruth Asawa attended this college, which opened in rural North Carolina in 1933.

What is Black Mountain College?


In addition to having the power to fight cancer and genetic diseases, CRISPR is able to create these to fight famine.

What are mold, pest, and drought resistant crops?


Holi is in large part a celebration of Prince Prahalada's devotion to and protection by this Hindu deity.  

Who is Lord Vishnu?
