Who was Jesus speaking to when He gave this parable?
His disciples
What did the rich young ruler want to know?
How to have eternal life
Who were the Israelites at war with?
How many days did God take to create the world?
6 days
I chose to climb a sycamore tree to see Jesus and invited him to come to my house, even though other people sneered at me. Who am I?
Who is a widow?
a woman who has lost her spouse by death and has not married again
Why was Jesus surprised that the ruler called him 'good'?
Because only God is good
How tall was Goliath?
about 9 feet
Who was the first man?
He led Israelites out of Egypt
And went up Mount Sinai alone
He came back down with ten commandments
Written on two tablets of stone
Who is this man?
What did the widow do repeatedly?
go to the judge for justice
What had the rich young ruler done already?
obey the commandments
What is the name of David's father?
Who was Jesus' human mother?
I am the bread that God sent from heaven, which was as white as coriander seeds and tasted like wafers made with honey.
Why did the judge help the widow?
She kept coming every day. She did not give up.
Why did the rich young ruler go away sad?
He did not want to sell his riches.
Why did Saul think David couldn't fight Goliath?
He was too young
Who did God tell to build an ark?
I killed a bear and a lion with my bare hands. I killed a very tall man with a sling and small stone. I became King after many years of running. Who am I?
Why did Jesus tell this parable?
That we must always pray and not give up
What did Jesus tell the man to do with his riches?
sell it and give to the poor
He slung a stone at his forehead
Before Jesus started preaching, what was his normal job?
I was born in Bethlehem. I saw the Spirit of God come from Heaven. I was tempted by the devil. I healed Peter’s mother-in-law.