This is one of the four types of conversation.
What are verbal, nonverbal, visual and written communication?
This is one example of an appropriate workplace topic of conversation.
What is (weather, pets, food, work itself, etc)?
The government takes this money from your paycheck to pay for things like road maintenance, education and healthcare.
What are taxes?
This famous singer with a colourful name sings All I Know So Far, So What and Try.
Who is P!nk?
BONUS: press the + THREE times and once for the person on your left!
The little voice in your head that tells you what's right and wrong.
What is a conscience?
BONUS: press the + twice for yourself and twice for the person of your choice!
True or false: only answering "yes" or "no" in a conversation can make others believe you are not interested in what they have to say.
You're supposed to budget with this. If you pick the wrong one, you might go into debt, so choose carefully.
A) Gross pay B) Net pay
What is B?
If you give into your negative impulse to eat a whole pizza by yourself, the consequence might be this.
What is an upset stomach?
This thought can be found in someone with a growth mindset.
A) I don't know that. B) I don't know that yet.
What is B?
This describes a person who tells the truth, doesn't cheat and values truth.
What is honest?
This is the best kind of listener to be: try to focus on the speaker's words, make eye contact and engage with the conversation.
What is an active listener?
Everyone has these; they're rules you make about the kinds of things you're comfortable and uncomfortable with.
What is a boundary?
BONUS: name a boundary someone can have in conversation!
Match the movie to the famous quote: "I'll never let go, Jack".
What is Titanic?
True or false: some people are naturally more impulsive than others and there's nothing to be done about it.
What is false?
This is a thought someone with a fixed mindset would have.
A) I can't figure it out. B) I can try another method.
What is A?
BONUS: press the + once for you and once for the person of your choice!
This is the communication style that is sneaky, sarcastic and avoids confrontation. They don't say the things they really mean. It is not the healthiest communication style to use.
What is passive-aggressive?
In this classic slasher series, the killer Ghostface is best known for using a knife and a phone.
What is Scream?
BONUS: press the + THREE times!
These are what happen when you give into your impulses; they are often negative, like losing friends, getting fired or being in pain.
What are consequences?
True or false: if you have a fixed mindset, there is no way to change it. You're stuck with it for life.
What is false?
Jake wants to go to the movies later, but he's $10 short. While at work, he realizes he could just take $10 out of the cash register and replace it after he gets paid tomorrow- he figures nobody would even miss it. This is the ethical thing to do.
What is leaving the money in the register?
BONUS: what could happen if Jake does take the money?
In the movie Monsters Inc., this is what Sully and Mike nickname the little girl.
Who is Boo?
James and Abby are having a conversation about a movie they just saw. Is Abby interested or uninterested?
What is uninterested?
BONUS: how do you know?
This section on your pay stub refers to all the money taken out of your account: taxes, EI, union dues, insurance and anything else.
What is deductions?
BONUS: press the + twice for you and once for the person to your right!
o((>ω< ))o
This mindset believes there is no opportunity for change; some people are just born better than others and it's impossible to ever be as good as them.
What is a fixed mindset?
An employer decides to pay his employees less than what they're owed this month so that he can make more money. That behaviour is this.
What is unethical?
This is the healthiest communication style.
What is assertive communication?
BONUS: tell me one trait of assertive communication!
BONUS: press the + once!
*★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/:*.°★* 。
This paycheck was issued on this date.
What is June 7, 2021?
This is what we call it when someone has a sudden strong urge to do something.
What is an impulse?
This Disney movie includes the songs "Dig A Little Deeper", "Friends on My Other Side" and "Ma Belle Evangeline".
What is The Princess and the Frog?
Lacey works in a hospital dealing with people's confidential medical information. One day, she sees the file of her high school teacher with some really interesting information inside. She knows that if she told her friend about it, it would be really juicy gossip, but she decides not to, because that information is private. Lacey has this.
What is integrity?
This is one example of good body language during a conversation.
What is (facing the speaker, smiling if appropriate, making eye contact, etc)?
Jenna doesn't have a good this for the conversation she's in; she's being rude and sarcastic to try and get out of it without saying she's uninterested.
What is attitude?
This person has had 290.19 taken from their paycheck for this reason.
What is current deductions?
This is one way you can learn to control your impulses.
What is (stop and think, count to 10, deep breathing, ask yourself if it's a good idea, etc)?
This mindset believes that with work, they can do lots of things. The things they can't do don't bother them so much, because they know they have other strengths, and they don't need to be better than others to feel good about themself.
What is a growth mindset?
This viral song of 2024, performed by Kendrick Lamar, dissed Drake and won five Grammy Awards.
What is Not Like Us?