The age range a member must be within to be included in this metric
What is age 46-75
We start screening at 45 years old but the metric captures 46-75 years old.
Patients taking a high-dose of statin medication complain of this common side effect
What is muscle pain
Ways to obtain or report a BP reading
1. What is Vital Signs appointment
2. What is Tele appointment w/ provider
3. What is PSS BP Clinic
4. What is self-reporting via
Percentage goal for this metric
What is 70%
What is Make-A-Wish Foundation (March)
What is Ronald McDonald House Charities Hawaii (April)
Continuous enrollment needed to be included in this metric
What is 2 years
Age range of qualifying DM members who are in compliance with a statin recommendation
What is age 40-75
PSS BP Clinic schedule
What is the 2nd and 4th Friday (Hilo)
What is 2nd and 4th Wednesday AM and Thursday PM (Kona)
Eligible members can be referred to PSS using this dot phrase
Online portal to submit badge-related request
What is ServiceNow
Badge related requests are NO LONGER handled by in-person security officers or on-site leadership.
If colonoscopy is negative for any polyps or cancers, the time interval before another exam is recommended (in the average risk individual)
What is 10 years
Age range of qualifying CVD male members who are in compliance with a statin recommendation
What is age 21-75
Goal blood pressure reading for this metric
The age range a member must be within to be included in this metirc
What is age 18-75
Safety focus of the month
What is Code Green (March)
What is Code Gray (April)